Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Black On Black Crime Diversion

This is the image that far too many God Damned Policeman see when they see a Black Person.

It doesn't matter where you are or what the circumstance are. There are far too many policeman who joined the force for the express purpose of murdering Black People and using their position as a "Law Enforcement Officer" to get away with it.

And the way that the system is set up allows them to do exactly what they have been doing since they were first formed to catch Runaway Slaves and do whatever they wanted to do to them at their discretion.

First of all: This discussion is not about Black People Killing Black People, because "People Killing People" in close proximity to one another, is not a phenomenon that is exclusive to Black Folks.

People all over the world kill people who are just like them because when people live close to one another, sometimes murder happens-Not just Black People.

Its true that Black on Black Crime in our Communities is a major problem that we as African Americans must continue to address. But that is neither of interest or concern for people who do not even believe that Black People and other Minorities should not have a Right to Live, unless they live to occupy a Subservient Role in society under the White Man.

This discussion is about the Police Departments across America who are killing Black People on a large scale with Impunity, which is also encouraging Racists who hate Black People and other Minorities who are not "Law Enforcement Officers" to follow in their footsteps, because they see these Policeman getting away with murder, and they know that they too, will probably not be prosecuted for murdering people which the culture in this country considers to be "Inferior".

Their point of view is that for every one they kill, they are actually doing society a favor.

I've mentioned several tactics that White Racists use,(especially those who have infiltrated our Government), and the Media Outlets, (FOX News, Rush Limbaugh & Others)who support and redistribute their White Supremacy Fantasies to others, who as a result of Ignorance, Hate and Fear, receive this foolishness with Itching Ears and continue to perpetuate these myths to others who are blinded by HATE.

One of the most used of these techniques is the Racist Mirror Technique.

This is the one where Racist accuse you of being a Racist simply because you recognized their Racism and refuse to ignore it and because you did not hesitate to bring it to their attention.

It is based on an attempt to make Black People feel guilty and unsure of their expertise in recognizing and pointing out their Racist Tendencies.

So because you call a Racist a Racist, (because that's exactly what they are), their immediate gut reaction and response is to call you a Racist.

That's why I call it the "Racists Mirror Effect."

It has and continues to be used by Racists Senators, Congressman, Rightwing Media Personalities and other Racists who want to perpetuate the Fraud of "We have moved beyond Racism in America and that anyone who claims otherwise is just "Race Baiting".

Needless to say, this is an attack method that has been used consistently against President Obama whose Grandparents and Mother were WHITE.

Don't tell them-But for most Black People who have been Black in America all their lives; it does not work.

Another Technique that Racists have used for a very long time is the "Black On Black Crime Diversion Technique".

They use this one when we tell them that we are sick and tired of Policeman,White Racists and other people, (who are always on the lookout for an opportunity and excuse to Kill Black People and other Minorities).

The first response to these factual statements are similar to what Rudy Giuliani, (former New York Mayor), said to Professor Michael Eric Dyson a few weeks ago on "Meet The Press" when Dyson was attacking the police forces that have been involved in the Murders in New Your, Ferguson and in far too many place across the country where Black People and other Minorities have had their Civil Rights Violated by policeman and racists who have been emboldened by the behaviors of Racists in our Government, and by the fact that these Policeman and others who kill Minorities are very rarely punished for their crimes .

He said that if "you people" would stop killing each other, then we would not have to send the police into your neighborhoods.

Notice that there was never an acknowledgement or judgement that put the responsibility of murdering Unarmed Black People on the police and the others who are committing these violent acts, but it was, (as is always the case);the person who is dead and the other Black People who are still living in spite of these vicious attacks fault.

It's the same mentality that led New York Police Union Officials and others to say after a New York Policeman put Eric Garner in a Choke Hold that had been forbidden by the department for years, and who the prosecutor failed to indict-Again! How was the police supposed to know that Eric Garner was sick?

Any normal person would have survived the attack.

So it's not the policeman's fault for Choking a Black Man to death for selling lose cigarettes, (which so many corner stores in our communities), do everyday without any legal actions taken against them. But it was Eric Garner's fault because he should not have made the policeman choke him to death since he knew he was sick.

This is Bullshit and shows the level of contempt that the institutions in our country have for African Americans and other Minorities in America.

It is Proof Positive that BLACK LIVES DO NOT MATTER IN THIS COUNTRY, and that everyday we fail to take consistent actions to insure that people who kill Black People are punished for their crimes just like other people are punished for the Murders that they commit against people of other "More Valuable Races".

One more important point: I know that we have all been taught, (and rightfully so), by our parents and mentors that we have to be different when we are pulled over by "The Police" or stopped by "The Police" while walking the streets, because they will kill us quicker than other races of people, and that is true, (which is what makes this reality so sad).

However, I do not think that we should accept this concept of our lives, and the lives of our wives, kids, family members, (or for that matter any human being as being "INFERIOR", so that they can justify our Wholesale Murders.

So remember!

Don't wait for this type of tragedy to come to you or a loved one before you do your part to stop it.

Let's stop it together now.

Because if you don't; and you do become a victim of this type of violence-Think about what they are going to say about you when you, your child, your husband, your wife or a friend is dead:

"Its Your Fault".

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