Saturday, August 2, 2014

Eric Garner Was Murdered By A Gang Of New York City Policeman

Eric Garner was murdered by a gang of New York City Policeman and the failure of New York City Paramedics to do their jobs which was to at least, make an attempt to save his life after he was attacked, subdued and in custody.

I sincerely hope that people of color will recognize this trend and recognize the fact that as long as we remain silent, apathetic and impotent, this trend will not only continue, but will escalate to the point where the odds that we ourselves or someone whom we love will become a victim of this HATE.

The majority of these murders are being committed by Racists who hate the fact that a Black Man was Legally Elected to the Highest Office in the United States twice.

This has terrified and outraged those who have Racial Hatred in their DNA from their fore fathers and fore mothers whose Fantasy of "White Supremacy" is being shattered by the progress and achievements that are being made by people who are not White.

Never forget that a Fearful or Wounded Animal is a Very Dangerous Animal.

Don't be Reactive be Proactive!

Need more evidence before you think, create and act?

And to the Racists who might want to play the "Racists Mirror Game",(which is a game where White Racist accuse people who recognize and draw attention to their Racism-"Racist"), I would just like to say that I don't support the murder of any innocent Human Being at all Black or White.

I mention the deaths of People of Color because for some strange reason, there seems to have been an enormous volume of attacks against People of Color in America in the last 6+years that is continuing to get worse.

Don't watch others die unjustly and do nothing more than say "its not me", because the fact of the matter is that it could be you or someone whom you love at any time due to the sharp increase in these types of Hateful Acts.

Don't Wait!



Become an Activist!

Thank you,


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