Thursday, March 6, 2014

You Don't Deal With Republican Charlatans, (Darrell Issa), By Making Pretend That They Aren't Republican Charlatans.......

Who Is Darrell Issa?

He is another Racist Republican who has absolutely no interest in getting to the truth in any investigation that he is conducting.

There have been many events, errors and scandals that have occurred since President Obama took office as much as the many that occurred on Bush's Watch, including the ignorance of important intelligence weeks before the terrorist took down the Twin Towers in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington , DC and a plane in Pennsylvania.

Approximately 4000+ American Live were lost.

Then the Bush Administration launched a Fictitious Attack against Saddam Hussein in Iraq-A war which killed another 4000+American Citizens and thousands of Iraqi Citizens based on vengence for the 911 attacks, weapons of mass destruction and the inhumane of treatment of citizens in Iraq by Saddam Hussein .

And after all of this unnecessary carnage, here is what Darrell Issa had to say: Issa Calls 9/11 Attacks in New York a Plane Crash.

On September 11, 2012, There was a Major Attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya. U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. nationals were killed in the attack.

And do you know what Republicans led by Darrel Issa spent so much of your time and your money on?- Rather or not it was a pre plannned Terrorist Attack or a spontaneous reaction to an Anti Islamic Movie made by some idiot here in America.

They wanted to use this discussion as an excuse to attack and try to destroy the political career of Susan Rice because she went on the Sunday Talk Shows and revealed the talking points that were given to her by the U.S. Intelligence Community.

It was also another excuse to try and unseat President Obama whose only crime thus far has been being BLACK.

In spite of all the lies that those of you who watch FOX News may be convinced is the truth-President Obama has done nothing any more unconstitutional, evil, dishonest or illegal than those who came before him.

His only crime is GWB-Governing While Black.

So Darrell Issa, Mitch McConnell, Eric Cantor, John Boehner and a host of other (Traditionally Racist Republicans), have spent billions of The American People's dollars since 2008 to try and destroy this president

As a matter of fact: The Taxed Enough Already Party AKA The Tea Party was created by Racist Millionaires and Billionaires, (like the Koch Brothers and others), who hated the fact that a new America was evolving to a place where they will eventually not hold on to all of the wealth and all of the power.

This is why they are so hateful towards President Obama who speaks a lot about the equal distribution of wealth and power, and this is why they always accuse him of being a "Socialist or Communist from Kenya.

So these educated rich people prey on the hatred of others who are not as Politically Savvy or as rich as they are and used their life long hatred of people of color to use them like pawns on a chessboard to try and destroy the president.

It's so crazy and so bad that even the things that Republicans used love, they now hate if President Obama says he like it.

One of the many techniques that Republican have in their Dirty Politics Bag Of Tricks Is" The Mirror Image Technique"

In other words, they try to accuse you of things that they are guilty or guiltier of.

It's sought of like "Pot Calling The Kettle Black", or in this case, it's like calling the President, the Attorney General and everyone else who works for and supports Obama's Agenda, Thugs as a euphemism for what they used to call us in public and what they now call us in private.

So how does a criminal become the leader of an Investigative Committee?- Because as long as you are a White Criminal, then America can be very forgiving as opposed to being a criminal of another color.

Let's do a brief review of the man who is now in charge of judging other people's short comings, faults and failures.

And how do you handle people like this who are tying to break and make our system of Government "Severely Uneven"? Like This!

That's how you handle Treacherous and Deceitful Racists Democrats; who are trying to destroy this country by destroying everyone else who in Not Rich, Not Powerful and Not White.

And don't even try to use the Mirror Image Technique here by calling me a Racists simply because I recognize it when I see it, and I respond to it as the circumstances dictate.

This should be Text Book Policy and Procedure for Democrats.

Democrats need to stop praising the enemy, making excuses for the enemy and trying to be Politically Correct by misrepresenting these people's character by soft shoeing around the fact that many of these people are doing what they are doing simply because they do not want to share this country, (or this planet), with the people who built it for free or with the other people who do not fit their profile of who is a "Human Being Worthy Of Living" and those who are not.

And the sad part about it is I am so damn sick and tired of seeing Black Politicians using Euphemisms to describe Hatred, Racism, Greed and Evil towards the president and those who look like him, and "The Others", who they lie and fight to keep out of the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave".

As Democratic Representative, you should embrace the truth instead of hiding from it like cowards who don't have the best interest of the American People at Heart.

Most Americans are just Average American Citizens who are not Rich, Not Powerful, Not Well Connected and not trying to treat the earth like it belongs only to them.

The elections of 2010 should have been a wake up call for all of our Democratic Representative, but so many people saw yawl acting like Republicans that they figured what the hell; rather than voting for Democrats acting like Republicans, I might as well vote for real Republicans.

This is exactly why now our voting rights have been chipped away, our support systems for the sick, the poor, the elderly and the uneducated are being slowly but surely destroyed, and and the Republicans have voted for the 50th. time to Repeal Obamacare after running in 2010 on "Jobs", "Jobs", "Jobs".

It is now 2014, and I have yet to see the rich create any jobs, or wealth "Trickle Down" from the wealthy.

? All I've seen is Republican BS supported by Democratic Silence

Failure to act like Democrats and Promote Democratic Valuess is also why none of the things that President Obama has proposed to created jobs and make this country a better place for everyone concerned has been and continues to be blocked by Republicans who told us all to our faces that they wanted President Obama to fail.

Congressman Cummings didn't feel like letting lies stand as the truth.

He did the right thing by calling out this criminal on his BS.

If you are a Democrat, the extension of your name is Democracy, and it is your job to protect it with the truth like Congressman Cummings did, instead of cowering in fear and letting these lies stand.

Wake Up America and smell the HATE and then do your part to minimize or eliminate it.

Our Democratic Representatives cannot do it alone-And neither can "We The People".

It's going to take all of us to fight to protect the progress that it took us so many years, tears and lives to obtain.

Take a hint from Rep. Cummings VS Darrel Issa.

Just remember that if you loose-America looses.


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