Saturday, March 15, 2014

It's That Time Of The Year Again! Criminals Posing As Citizens, (CPAC)

Well it that time of the year again,March 6 -March 8, 2014 when the Conservative Hate Fest known as CPAC, (Conservative Political Action Conference),which for me is just code for Criminals Posing As Citizens.

Basically what it is, is a bunch of Idiotic Hate Mongers who compete with each other to see who can HATE the most.

Now last year Governor Chris Christie who was not invited at all, received an invitation to CPAC this year because now he fits in as a Potential Criminal because he is now deeply involved in the "Brideggate Scandal"where allegedly he and several of his high level staff members deliberately shut down the George Washington Bridge, (one of the busiest bridges in the world), leading into Fort Lee New Jersey,apparently because the Mayor of Fort Lee refused to endorse Chris Christie for Governor.

And! Because they figured that the BLACK that he got on him from working with President Obama to help the people of his state during Hurricane Sandy and of course the BLACK that he got on himself as a result of hugging the president has finally been washed off.

And let me just also say that all of these problems in New Jersey just might have been avoided if the Democratic party and yes! President Obama had offered their support to the Democratic Candidate for Governor of New Jersey, Barbara Buono.

I love President Obama and I love the Democratic Party.

But unlike Republicans who ignore, approve and support any and everything that Fellow Republicans do, no matter how ugly, dangerous or evil it may be or who it hurts; I still do not to this day, understand why President Obama paled around with Chris Christie which probably gave New Jersey Democrats the False Impression that it was okay for Democrats to vote for Chris Christie instead of Barbara Buono .

I understand that President Obama came to Jersey Prior to the elections to see what progress had been made at repairing the damage in Jersey as a result of the Federal Government Funds that were sent to New Jersey, (which now apparently Governor Christie doled out based on Favoritism and Political Support),but I don't understand and don't like the fact that he did not spend any time at all helping Buono's Campaign.

And I also do not like the fact that the Democratic Party did not put money into her campaign.

There's no way to defeat an enemy that is committed to a cause and to each other, (even if that cause is Hatred), if those of us who are trying to win the battle against HATE do not remain committed to that cause and to each other.

Democrats let Barbara Buono down, and as a result, they let the people of New Jersey down who now have a governor who hates teachers, unions, workers, people who disagree or don't support him; and questions that he does not want to answer.

And when he spoke at CPAC, guess who his first target of attack was: I know you guessed already if you did not see it, but let me tell you anyway-President Obama.

And after being booed initially, it wasn't too long before he had endeared himself to the Blood Thirsty Morons who seek to destroy our country because it now has a Black President.

So instead of discussing ways to unite this country in such a manner that people can work together, brainstorm, mastermind and come up with various ways to help those who need help, stop those who are just gaming the system and make America a better place for all-the only thing that these people do every year is see who can hate everyone else, including each other the most.

So here's my question for you: Do you want to have common sense people who are constantly working to find solutions together, to the very complex and difficult problems that we face as a nation, or do you want Criminals Posing As Citizens to be in charge of this country whose only purpose is to broadcast Hatred, Greed, Racism and Destruction because they want to take their country back to where it was a "Lilly White Man's World"?

And as far as Commons Sense is concerned, the closing speaker for today, which they consider to be representative of all that they stand for will be Sarah Palin.

If you want the first choice, please make sure that you participate with those who want the same thing, and do not take this upcoming Midterm Election lightly, as far too many people did in 2010.

Those elections are what created all of the problems that we are having with Voting Rights, Woman's Rights, Worker's Rights,A Woman's Right To Control Her Own Body, Vast Support for laws like "Stand Your Ground", which is nothing more than a new method to allow Racist to exterminate people of color without Any Legal Consequences.

Are you aware of how many people died in the past because of these same conditions that these bastards are trying to recreate/

And do you know how many people suffered and died to change these conditions so that we can now live better lives than those who came before us?

Here's what you need to know or learn:

How to protect the Senate and take back the House so that President Obama can move "Forward" with his Progressive Agenda, including getting important up or down votes on legislation that is very important to our future, including the "Jobs Bill", that has been setting on the President's Desk for over 3 years now, because Republicans refuse to allow a vote on it-but yet they can find the time to vote for the 50th. time to Repeal The Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare), a law that is helping millions of people to get much needed healthcare, many for the first time in their lives.

Remember! Power Concedes Nothing Without A Fight.

We need to fight to protect this country and all of the progress that we have made over hundreds of years.

If you don't know what you can do-ask someone who knows.........

We Need You Now! Time is running out............


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