Saturday, March 22, 2014

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370-Pain, Suffering & Loss Is A Universal Language

This ongoing mystery of the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 should teach us a very valuable lesson: And that lesson is that we are all mortal, we are all vulnerable and that we all have loved ones who are important to us; who if lost, would cause great pain and suffering in most cases, for the rest of our lives.

Because the pain of loosing a loved one, (unlike loosing money, property or all other material things), that can possibly be replaced; our loved ones cannot be, once they are taken away from us by The Greatest Uncontrollable Inevitable Event In Our Lives: DEATH.

Death is a Universal Language that every sane person on this planet understands all so well as it relates to themselves and those whom they love.

So to everyone who understands this fact, I ask you to not wait until it's too late to tell those who you love very much-how much you love them, and don't just tell them-show them in the ways that you take care of them, protect them and cherish them.

From me and every other sane human being on the planet, we offer our prayers and hopes that your loved ones will be found safe and returned to you very soon.

However, if the reality of the time that has elapsed and the indicators of a possible tragedy, (no matter the cause), has taken your loved ones away from you, we offer our prayers for your peace and understanding and our condolences for the lost of your loved ones.

And for those of you who are using these people's pain and suffering to make this a Political Opportunity to blame and attack people who could not have possibly known about or prevented this tragedy among others; all I have to say to you is that before this tragedy and many others including Benghazi; I already knew that you all were not considerate, respectful or sane,

So to me your behavior is absolutely no surprise.

But that is all I'm going to say about you right now.

Because this, like the earth and life in all of it's splendor-is not about you.

And the sooner all of you who I am refereeing to wake up to this fact, you all will become better human beings and citizens of the United States of America and the world, which will make it a far better place than what you are trying to make it now.

Respect these people's losses for what it is:

A Great Human Tragedy


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