Saturday, December 29, 2012

President Obama Is Fighting For You....Will You Fight With Him?

John Boehner And The Republican Party, (Unable To Learn From Their Past Mistakes), Are Gearing Up Again To Destroy President Obama's Presidency By Destroying The Economic Stability Of Our Country.

You See! this new Republican Party, (has been infiltrated by a bunch of Idiotic Racists who never have, and never will), accept the fact that America elected a President with Black Skin-twice.

As a result,this very productive and successful presidencey is (once again), under vicious attacks from the Republican Party and the Rightwing Hate Media; which means that America and Americans, (This Means You!),are under attack as well.

Did you really think that the Racial Hatred that is deeply ingrained in the DNA of these people would simply disappear because of the reelection of President Obama on November 6, 2012?

I hope not!

Because if the people who are in our corner and on our side, (that side being): Equal Rights and Protection Under The Law For All Who Live In America, then that would mean that we are just as, (if not more), delusional than those in the Republican Party, those on TV, Radio, Internet and in Newspapers who set out to make President Obama "FAIL" Voila!: Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell and a host of others, even before he was sworn into office.

So driven by HATE, they played with the economy during the manufactured "Fiscal Cliff Debate". And now these people, (and I use the word very lightly), are going to try and hold the nation hostage again during the "Debt Ceiling Increase Procedure" coming up this March

I didn't call it a debate, because prior to the Sucessful and Legal Election of the "First African American President", raising the Debt Ceiling was somthing that was done by Republcans and Democrats in Congress as a Routine Legislative Process.

The debt ceiling in the United States has been raised 74 times since March of 1962 and 10 times since 2001.

However-NOW! since President Obama took office, this Routine Procedure has now become a method by which Republicans hold the entire country's Economic Security hostage, with the ransom being the total destruction of each and every program that benefits the sick, the poor, the elderly and the middle class, or what they decode as "Entitlment Programs".

This is why I use the term "People" very lightly to describe them; for what type of human beings would have this as their primary goal in life?

And what type of Government Leaders who are charged with the safety, security and the well-being of all Americans, would put forth this much hatred, greed and energy to do such a thing?


And guess what? They will if "We The People" don't get off of our Lazy, Politically Apathetic Asses and Make Some Damn Noise!

If you do not recongize the obvious pattern of RACISM here, then I guess we really have nothing else to talk about, because if you don't see a problem with what has, and is still going on in this country since President Obama was elected, then you won't see a need to be a Proactive Participant in Defending Our Democracy.

But I am asking all who are aware, to not just talk about it!

Be about it!

Tell Speaker John Boehner that the American people have spoken – he needs to LEAD or get out of the way of the people who are actually trying to do good things for this country.

CALL the Speaker’s office – (202) 225-0600

Tweet at the Speaker –

Get to him on Facebook –

And please feel free to do a search on Google to find the contact information for all the other RACISTS who are trying to Destroy our Nation with Hatred and Division because they cannot, and never will, accept that fact that not only is this president equal to many of the other White Presidents that came before him, but that he is, (in many ways), Superior to many of the White Presidents that came before him, especially when comparing Prsident Obama to President George W. Bush.

If you care about America because you are Fair Minded and Inclined to Seek Equality for all of the people who reside in this great nation of ours, rather they are just like you or different,then make some damn noise

Let these Racist Bastards know that We Ain't Having It!

President Obama Is Fighting For You......Will You Fight With Him?

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