Monday, December 24, 2012

Don’t Let Hate Win

I don’t mean to be pessimistic about the ability of people to change who and what they are; because I have personally witnessed positive changes within myself and others who were previously struggling with issues that made the quality of their lives and the lives of those around them very unpleasant, unfulfilling and at times very dangerous.

However, these positive changes are rare and usually only occur when a person puts forth an enormous amount of consistent personal effort, dedication, sacrifice and discipline, or is involved in some very tragic and traumatic event that involves either them personally, or someone whom they love very much.

These types of events usually result in much needed positive transformations that benefit the individual, the people who are close to them and in many cases, society as a whole.

Short of this phenomenon, science has proven that the average level of consciousness of a human being; (you know that natural ability to sympathize, empathize and be concerned about other living creatures and the world in which we live), will only rise on average about 2 percentage points from birth to death for the majority of people on earth.

The whole point of this discussion on consciousness is to point out the fact that most people do not change without some very powerful positive, (but usually negative), event or experience that touches them personally.

So in essence; some people are hard to learn, and some people will never learn. Case in point: Conservatives, Republicans, Tea baggers, Rightwing Ideologues, Racists, Etc.

Since the 50’s and early 60’s, the majority of people who wear these badges have been hateful towards sick people, elderly people, poor people, black people, immigrants, woman and progress of any kind that does not specifically benefit them.

And not since the 60’s has this countries’ consciousness been involved in a systematic strategy to keep this hatred in check, which is why we are currently experiencing it now to degrees that we thought, (or wished), were a thing of the past.

And to this day, instead of acknowledging what the problem actually is, we are still just dancing around the issue of what is really wrong with the Republican Party. The Republican Party itself is still having a problem trying to determine why they lost the election of 2012.

In the process they are constantly complicating the explanation with euphemisms, lies and excuses.

For example: One of the major themes that I keep hearing from Republican Strategists is that “We have to learn how to present our message to the electorate more effectively”.

But let me tell all of you Republicans/Conservatives/Tea baggers the real reason why you all lost this very Important and Historically Significant Election of 2012.

You see! It doesn’t matter how you package SHIT-It still stinks.

It's not how you package your messages.

It's the warped contents of your messages that are so distastful and uanaccpetable to the American People.

And they told you this in no uncertain terms on November 6, 2012, by reelecting President Barack Obama to a second term.

You know that this is true; but if you had to admit this to yourselves; that would mean that you would have to change the Hatred that you feel towards President Obama, people who look like him, and in short, everyone who is not “Just Like You” to love and concern for this country and its people-all of its people.

So based on science, we cannot expect the Republicans to make any significant positive changes unless they are forced to do so.

So it is time of those of us who do not want to live like this, and be governed by people like this, to put an end to it.


By remaining active and participating in our Democracy by letting your voices be heard online, by making phone calls and writing letters to your government officials, and by reminding each other and those who see things their way, that this is not, cannot, and will never be accepted as a way of life in America, (even though up until now), it always has been.

It’s time for a reality check.

Everything that Republicans are doing to this country can be tracked back to one source and one source only:


We’ve started to shake off the effects of hatred in this country and have done a good job of it.

However, it is very important that no matter how much progress we have made towards a kinder, gentler and fairer society in the last 400 years, we all must realize that the forces that created these hateful conditions in the first place never stops.

This fact should be very clear to all of us, since the 2012 elections are over and the American People spoke, and spoke loudly about what they wanted and what they did not want for this country.

And to this day; Republicans blinded by hatred, greed, racism, sexism, classism and every other ism that they can come up with, are refusing to submit their will to the will of the American People.

And the only thing that can change this deep dark reality is the American People.

Don’t Let Hate Win……..

Do your part.

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