Monday, December 31, 2012

Americans Should Be Actively Outraged

If you have been paying attention to the Republican’s Deliberate and Systematic Gridlock of our Federal Government; you should be fed up, sick of it and outraged at how One Political Party, (Republicans), have been allowed to hold the American People and the Federal Government Hostage, in order to satisfy their need to hate and hurt the First African American President of the United States of America. The Republicans as well as the Democrats ran on Job Creation back in 2008, 2010 and in 2012, because this is one of the most crucial issues that we have faced as a nation over the past 30 years.

So what did the Republicans in Congress do on the first official day of Congress’s Open Session?

They spent all day reading and interpreting the Constitution of the United States of America.

Meanwhile, thousands of people were unemployed, losing their homes and dying due to the absence of Healthcare in their lives; and President Obama was Demonized for working on (what the Republicans begun insultingly referring to as Obamacare). And as a result, many Democrats as well jumped on the bandwagon with Republicans in criticizing the president for taking on healthcare first, not understanding the fact that the Healthcare Reform Act was designed to boost the economy as a side benefit of providing as many American as possible with healthcare.

It is important to note that the Progressive Movement and the effectiveness of our Democracy improved greatly, once President Obama and Democrats stopping hiding from the fact that Obama does indeed care.

If you look around now, I am sure you will see all of the large vacant factories and plants everywhere that were once buzzing with humans and machines 24/7, now setting silent with trash, weeds and debris in the parking lots with hundreds of broken windows all around.

This decline in manufacturing jobs started shortly after President Clinton’s last term in office which took us from George H.W. Bush’s term from 1989-1993, which featured thousands of signs all over the country saying: “We Are Not Hiring Today” to thousands of signs during President Clinton’s Presidency from 1993-2001 saying: “Help Wanted”. After President Clinton, (under suspicious circumstances), we got George W. Bush from 2001-2009; and we all know, (in spite of the Republican’s Convenient Amnesia that seeks to deny one of the worst presidencies and economic collapses in American History); we did not forget all of the “Spending” that Republicans did not bat an eye at, but now all of sudden, they are so concerned about “The Deficit”.

Under George W. Bush we had unfunded spending on Wars, Corporations, Entitlement Programs and many of the very things that Republicans are now using as excuses to destroy the Presidency of Barack Obama.

Those of us who remain awake and do not depend solely on Politicians or FOX News for the information that we need for our survival and prosperity, know that this presidency featured all of the spending mentioned above in addition to, (the typical Republican Catering to Rich People and Corporations), which reward these companies for “Outsourcing” jobs from the majority of the people who took care and fed their families by working in all of those factories and plants that were once buzzing with humans and machines 24/7.

Of course when one domino falls, it is not long before they all fall and result in cutbacks and layoffs in other industries as well, and before you know it, the country is in an Economic Depression, which is where we were when President Obama took office, (even though Republicans continue to implant the lie in the minds of those who have blank space for it), that President Obama is the one who created all of these Economic Problems immediately after he took office.

Now how in the hell did a new President create this much Economic Damage in less than a year after he took office?

He didn’t!

It was just another Hateful, Racist Lie, designed to undermine the Presidency of the First African American President.

And you know what?

The “Mainstream Media”, blames both parties on a regular basis by using False Equivalencies to make their argument.

However, I have not seen the Democrats in The House or The Senate refuse to allow a vote on Proposed Legislation, nor have I seen President Obama refuse to Propose Legislation.

The Democrats, Progressives and Independents seem to be willing to do their jobs and their part in Healing and Saving America for all of its citizens, but here we are today, once again on December 31, 2012, waiting for the Republicans to Compromise on a deal that would benefit Americans across the board.

And as a result, we are now heading off the so called Fiscal Cliff, which will hurt the same people that Republicans always seek to hurt: The Poor and The Middle Class, while allowing them to protect the people that they always seek to protect: The Rich and the Powerful.

So who are the Republicans working for?

Not You!

Not Me!

Not even the poor white people that they claim to be working for and protecting.

The election of 2012 spoke volumes of what America Wants and does not want for our country.

Republicans are totally ignoring what the American People Demanded.

Americans Should Actively Be Outraged!

Happy New Year!

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