Thursday, October 4, 2012

Who Won Last Night’s Debate?

The answer to that question depends on who you are, what you believe and the kind of president that you want to lead this country for the next four years, (with consequences that can potentially last for 50 years or more). If you want a president who can lie with a straight face to the American People, even to the point of changing thoughts, ideas and views on very important issues of National Security, Economic Stability, Class, Racial, Sexual Divisions and other important concerns facing the American People, then Mitt Romney is your man. This man changed into a different person last night-different from who he was, even as recent as the beginning of this week. He fell in love with all of the people of America, including the 47% that he showed so much contempt for in a meeting with rich people that he did not know was being recorded. He has no intentions of giving more tax cuts to the rich. He has never ever, considered raising taxes on the Middle Class. He never said that he wants to cut Medicare and other Entitlement Programs. And in one of his most blatant lies of the evening, he accused President Obama of practicing “Trickle-down Economics”, which is something that anyone who has been following politics since the 80’s knows, is a traditional Republican Concept that goes back as far as Ronald Reagan, and as recent as George W. Bush. That’s the ridiculous notion that if you just keep sending money up to the Wealthiest People in this country, (out of the goodness of their hearts and their disinterest in maintaining their wealth and power), they will make sure that those of us on the bottom who are not rich and powerful, will have the same opportunity to achieve the same things that they have achieved in life. Does anybody who is reading this believe that this is true? I hope not! The “Parasitic Elite” do not wish to share anything with people who are not on their level. They never have. And they never will. And there is empirical evidence that proves that this approach to governing the country only benefits those who are on the top. You see, it has been tried time and again for around 30 years and it has never done the things that Republicans claim it will do. It’s all a lie. And the one thing that you can be sure of is: if a person will say or do anything to win an office, they will do anything to keep it. And that includes lying, cheating, stealing and maybe something even worse. So if you want someone who can deliver one lie after another seamlessly, and you don’t mind being lied to, then Mitt Romney won the debate. And if you listen to the Right Wing Talk Machine today, that is all you will hear. You will hear about how poor President Obama’s Performance was last night and how great Mitt Romney’s was. When you hear them putting down President Obama, please remember that they put him down under any circumstances what so ever. Good Job, Bad job, doing the right thing, doing the wrong thing; it doesn’t matter. Also remember that Republican have the utmost respect for a liar. That’s not to say that Democrats don’t-it’s just that Republican do it so much better and far more frequently. They also like Vaginal Probes, Denying Woman Healthcare, Redefining Rape, Imposing Their Religious Beliefs on everyone else, and in Fighting Wars rather they are necessary or not. Now if you want someone who has been consistent with the things that he has been saying and doing for the better part of 4 years and who continued to do so last night during the debate, then President Obama is your man. As far as his level of performance was concerned, I admit that he fell short of my expectations as well. The information was good; but the he could have delivered it with as much passion as possible, (short of being called an Angry Black Man), which is what the Angriest White Man in America, (Rush Limbaugh), called him earlier this week. However, even though he didn’t deliver the polished presentation that I would have liked to see; and that I know he is capable of, his message was consistent with what he has done, what he continues to do and what he says he wants to do in the future for this country. So for me personally, there is no amount of prepackaged lies delivered by a Right Wing Puppet, Elitist, Racist that will persuade me to not vote for President Obama in the upcoming election. If you want honesty, integrity and genuine concern for the American People, (all of them), not just 52%, then President Obama won the debate with facts, consistency and as much truth as a president can afford to share with the American People. Oh! And don’t forget, there are 2 more debates to come. I truly believe that President Obama is going to come out of this the way that he always does in spite of the hatred, sabotage, disrespect and racism that has been constantly aimed at him. On top! G.R.C.

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