Tuesday, October 23, 2012

There's No Recession For The Poor

There’s No Recession For The Poor

A New CD By Greg Coleman

Music For Those Who Are Actively Involved In The Struggle To Save Our Country From Ruin

We are involved in a war.

A struggle for survival

The choices are Hatred, Greed and Selfishness, (Conservatism), or Love, Reason and Freedom for all of America’s citizens-even those who are different, sick, poor or less fortunate than you,(Progressive, Liberal and Humane).

The battle field upon which this war is being fought is our American Political System.

There’s No Recession For the Poor is a Musical Archive to remind us and future generations of the hatred that “We The People” allowed to grow and fester as a result of Political Apathy, to the point where our country is now facing total destruction…..Not from an outside enemy, but from the enemies within who have infiltrated our Government, who are willing to cause the total destruction of our country because of their disdain and hatred for the 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, who was legally elected by the majority of Americans on November 4, 2008.

If you have not been paying attention to what is going on around you; I ask that you please start by becoming an Active Participant in our Political System.

To those who already are, and want this country to remain one of Love, Reason and Freedom, and oh yes! “Compromise” among our political leaders for the benefit of the country as a whole, then it is important that you become an Activist like the people who came before you who made great sacrifices, including the “Ultimate Sacrifice”-Life, to see that we are a nation of laws that promote Fairness, Justice, Equality and Opportunity for all who are willing to make the necessary sacrifices and do the necessary work.

Each and every one of us who are concerned with keeping the Positive American Values alive that were practiced consistently by “True American Patriots” over long periods of time, are the very values that led to such “Revolutionary Ideas” as Human Rights, Children’s Rights, Woman’s Rights, Civil Rights, Gay Rights, Worker’s Rights and a multitude of other positive concepts and accomplishments that I know are genuine and at least in partial effect.

Because I saw these values come to fruition on November 4th. 2008, as I witnessed the “Legal Election” of the First African American President in U.S. History: Barack Obama.

This monumental event is proof positive that these values are alive and well in America and that they have been for quite some time.

This did not happen overnight.

This historical and monumental event is an indication that the” Truth”, “Justice” “Freedom” and “Equality” that Genuine as well as Fake Patriots freely speak of is indeed a reality.

The thing that differentiates the “Fake Patriots” from the “Genuine Patriots” is the fact that Genuine Patriots want these rights and advantages for all Americans.

The “Fake Patriots” only want these rights and advantages for themselves.

This very existence of these American Values, (which these Fake Patriots are trying to claim for themselves while destroying them for everybody else), creates the belief that we truly do live in a nation where anything is possible with the right combination of hard work and sacrifice, and the faith that our nation will continue to grow and prosper and not wither and die, as those who are currently attacking us from within would rather see happen as opposed to seeing President Obama succeed.

None of these Positive Events would have ever been possible without the Activism of Americans from all walks of life throughout history.

It’s been true since the beginning of our nation.

And it is true now…….

Freedom Is Not Free!

Freedom Is Not Guaranteed!

Freedom can be taken away by a small number of hateful people at any time, if the larger numbers of loving people do nothing to protect it.

If you are not registered to vote, please get registered and vote to protect Freedom, Justice and Equality for all in Americans.

If you have missed the deadline to register to vote yourself, then assist those who will be voting and get registered as soon as you can for future elections.

If you are registered to vote; please do everything that you need to do to protect your right to vote, because as we speak, the Hateful, Greedy and Selfish are still trying to steal this and other upcoming elections by taking away the Precious Right of some groups of people to Vote.

Bosses are even threating their employee’s jobs now, if they do not vote for the candidates that they themselves have chosen.

But this does not have to happen in America, because it’s not “what they do” that will determine which direction America is headed in.

The direction of this country will be determined by what “We do” or “do not do”…….

So please get out and vote now and in the future-(locally and nationally).

Remember this!

It’s the local elections of 2010, (that many people did not pay attention to because “I’m waiting for the big one”-that allowed many of the people to get into office who are now actively working to take away the rights of (Certain Groups) of people to vote.

And these are the same people who have opposed every measure taken by President Obama’s Administration to repair the severe Economic, Social and National Security damage caused by the previous administration.

This is not a mistake that we can afford to repeat.

These people are relentless in their attempts to destroy this fair and open society.

We must be relentless in our efforts to protect it.

Vote in this November!



Thank you

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