Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Watch For This Talking Point Tonight During the Debate

This morning, I had made up my mind that I would not check in with Right Wing Media, because I knew that the Smear Campaign against President Obama would begin in preparation for tonight’s Presidential Debates. And I wanted my Left Wing Brain to be clear and unclouded in preparation for this debate. However, I was exposed to this BS anyway. But I must admit that I did expect more of an effective talking point then the one I heard from Joe this morning. My friend turned the TV on and went immediately to “Morning Joe”, which on a normal day, I would check in on to see what the “Moderate” Right Wingers are thinking, saying and planning. But anyway, the talking point went something like this; and once again they used the president’s own words against him, (out of context of course). How can this president go around telling people that Mitt Romney is going to cut your Medicare, when he himself is planning to cut their Medicare? First of all let me clear up the most likely lie that you will hear about Medicare tonight from Mitt Romney. It will be that President Obama cut $716 Billion from Medicare. This is true! And Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan’s Plan cuts approximately the same. This is also true! But here’s the difference: President Obama cut $716 Billion in waste and fraud from the profits of the drug companies, doctors, lawyers and others who were abusing the Medicare System for profit (like the Dialysis Industry); trust me I know. But in the Romney/Ryan Plan, they are going to actually take their $716 Billion from the patients, which will increase their Medical Expenses by about $6000 dollars per year. So President Obama hurt the crooks that were profiting from the system and Romney and Ryan’s Plan is going to hurt seniors, retirees, sick people and others who need the help. You know the 47% of Bums that Romney has no interest in at all. Now back to Morning Joe. He said “How can this president go around accusing Mitt Romney of cutting Medicare when he himself has admitted that he is going to cut Medicare?” Once again, here’s the difference: In order to make Medicare, Social Security and other Entitlement Programs survive longer, tough economic measures must be taken short-term and long-term, to make sure that these and other programs remain solvent for as long as possible, to benefit as many Americans as is humanly possible. But here is what President Obama actually said: I hang on his every word, because he is indeed my hero. In order to make sure Medicare, Social Security and other Entitlement Programs remain solvent¸ we have to make some tough commons sense decisions that will involve sacrifices for everyone. We cannot balance the budget just on the backs of the Middle Class, the Sick, the Elderly or the Poor. Difference: Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to balance the budget by taking even more from the Middle Class, the sick, the Elderly and the poor, so that the Rich won’t have to pay more taxes. That’s the truth. The BS they speak are lies based on the actual words of President Obama; twisted. Watch for these techniques tonight and stay alert!

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