Thursday, September 13, 2012

This Is Dangerous For America

On September 11, 2001, we were attacked (in part), because of extreme religious fervor and hatred towards America as a result of The Bush Administration’s Policies of Racist Supremacy, American Exceptionalism and the typical American “Holier than thou”, “Police of the world” BS. One of the major problems that I have with religion is the fact that those who are extremely religious can create some very dangerous and sometimes deadly circumstances; (not just Muslims but Christians and others as well). Because they are very blind to the fact that they do not, and cannot have “The Ultimate Truth”, because of the very nature of being a finite being, that could not possibly view, know or understand such infinite wisdom as “The Ultimate Truth”. This presents severe problems in communication. On a personal level, these situations seldom lead to tragedies such as the one that we just witnessed on September 11, 2012 in Libya. However, when you combine this type of Religious Fervor, (Hatred, Intolerance and ignorance), with Foreign Policy, then what you get is September 11, 2001 and September 11, 2012. And if the Right Wing Evangelical Extremists who Mitt Romney, FOX News and others on the Right, along with many former Bush Neocons, (who just happen to have been retained by Mitt Romney) cater to, then we might just see much worse. Mitt Romney made some very inaccurate and negative comments in an untimely manner in reference to President Obama and the attacks and loss of lives in Libya; not out of love and a desire to protect our nation, but out of a desire just to be president at any and all costs. This type of attitude and behavior on the part of the Right Wing Extremists, (which we have plainly seen since the election of President Obama In 2008), is very dangerous for the safety and security of America. It’s like they say, “If you don’t stand for something”, “You’ll fall for anything. Mitt Romney has absolutely no flavor or character of his own. He is like Tilapia, he takes on the flavor of whatever other ingredients he is being cooked with. Since his campaign began, he has not stood defiantly stood for anything, except for whatever the Right Wing Racists, Evangelicals, War Mongers and other idiots command him to do. He is a puppet who is being manipulated by people who want nothing more than to defeat President Obama even it means destroying this entire nation and everyone in it. Romney is now leading the charge at the direction of the Right Wing Nuts for war against everybody. But let me tell you something, most of the people who are preaching this War Doctrine, are not planning to fight themselves. And they are not planning on sending their own sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. They are planning to send yours and mines. Mitt Romney has never served in the military. He has never put his life on the line for a war. And the only weapon that he ever carried was a Book Of Mormon in a back pack. And the only tank he every rode in was the bicycle that he rode on in France which is where he went to avoid the very thing that he is espousing to love and want so much. WAR! President Obama on the other hand, is not willing to send your family and friends into battle on a dare or on some kind of Imperialistic, Unrealistic American Ego Trip. The President prefers Diplomacy first to loosing American Lives. Today FOX New was spreading the false accusations that President Obama is a wimp. On the contrary, ask Osama Bin Laden and the other Al-Qaeda Leaders who are now in heaven enjoying their virgins. President Obama is not a war monger or a wimp. He is a reasonable man who refuses to send American Soldiers into harm’s way on a whim, just so he can get his War Rocks Off, like George W. Bush did, costing us 4000 American Lives based on a lie. So once again, the choice is clear. Please choose wisely on November 6, 2012. Mitt Romney: He doesn’t stand for something, so he will fall for anything-Even the Stupidity, Hatred, Greed and Racism of FOX News and all of their idiotic, low information followers. America is at a very delicate and dangerous place, and needs Reason, Discipline and Intelligence in a leader-Not Inability to reason, Lack of Control and stupidity. Vote for President Obama on November 12, 2012. G.R.C.

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