Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Mitt Romney Is Not Worthy To Be President

Angry protesters attacked U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya and Egypt Tuesday as a result of an online film that was posted by someone here in the U.S. that was considered offensive to Islam. The U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens was killed in the attack as well as, Sean Smith, a Foreign Service information management officer, and two other U.S. personnel died in the violence in Benghazi. Before I tear into Governor Romney’s Falsehoods, I would like to offer my personal condolences to the families of those who have lost their loved ones in these attacks. At 11:00PM last night, (before all of the facts were readily available), Mitt Romney did the only thing that he knows how to do, which is to take advantage of any and all opportunities to attack the credentials, qualifications, knowledge and experience of President Obama. During an appearance in Florida, Mitt Romney accused the administration of sending "mixed signals to the world" and failing to lead in the face of violence. "The president takes responsibility not just for the words that come from his mouth, but also for the words that come from his ambassadors, from his administration, from his embassies, from his State Department," Romney said. "They clearly sent mixed messages to the world. The statement that came from the administration — and the embassy is the administration — the statement that came from the administration was a statement which is akin to apology. And I think was a severe miscalculation." Of course, our president is not weak or stupid, incompetent or ignorant of Foreign Affairs, so as usual, Mitt is lying to anyone who will listen to him in an effort to discredit the president. And to add insult to injury, this morning, he doubled down on his ignorance, his lack of clarity about the nature of the situation and his failure to understand that we only have one president at a time, which has access to all of the intelligence, data and facts about any and all International Incidents. This is the same man who cannot even attend the Olympics in London, without insulting our closest ally), with his Supremacist Attitudes. And he exposed these lies about the president to the American People without even a mention of condolences for those whose lives had been lost in the attacks. Once again, I must warn anyone who is listening: Any person who would lie constantly (without blinking), to obtain the power and influence of the Office of the President of the united States of America, will lie, cheat, steal and maybe even worse to keep that power. And the only type of person who would consistently do this is one who does not really care about doing the job for the good of the country and its people; they just want the job for less than pure and maybe dangerous purposes that will not serve the majority of our citizens. And he has demonstrated this propensity towards deception on more than one occasion, so it is not just human error; it is a systematic and deliberate attempt to deceive the American People so that they will vote for him, even though he is not qualified to be President of the U.S. In other words, if a person or a party is running for an office motivated by hatred, as opposed to running for an office for the love of the people who elects them to serve, (especially an office such as the Presidency of the United States of America), then they are not worthy of that office. The Republican Party is such a party, and Mitt Romney is such a person. Remember they said a few weeks ago! “We will not let our campaign be run by “Fact Checkers”. Come November 6, 2012, Vote Accordingly.

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