Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Mitt Romney's Family Was On Welfare

Hypocrisy, Lies, Hatred, Greed, Racism, Classism, Sexism=Republicanism. The Republicans don't hate "Welfare" or "Entitlement Programs", they just want to be the only ones who have access to them. Less then 48 hours after Mitt Romney's "Secret $50,000 Dollar A Plate Dinner" leaked out, a new video has surfaced featuring Mitt Romney's Mother telling the world how her Husband, (Mitt Romney's Father),begin his rise to Riches and Political Fame in America. Mitt Romney's Family, (like many of the 47% that he spoke of in the most derogatory terms possible), started out on Welfare when they first came to America. Do not let their vocabulary fool you. Subsidies are welfare for greedy corporations like Exxon Mobile, BP Oil, Bank of America and thousands of others who get this free money from the U.S. Government each year in addition to the Billions of dollars that they make each year in profits. And "Wealth Distribution", (which is a dirty word that they use to degradate President Obama), is something that has been systematically applied for more than 30 years in this country. They Redistribute by taking more money from the Poor and Middle Class in this country by charging them a much higher percentage on Taxes, and by reducing the "Tax Burden" of the Rich and Powerful which they refer to as "Tax Breaks" for the "Job Creators", who are sitting on Billions of dollars and not hiring anymore workers in America, but instead, they are making one person do the work of 2,3,4,or 5; and sending the other jobs to foreign countries where they can get very cheap labor, which is sometimes performed by children who would be considered to be too young to work in America because of America's Child Labor Laws. Please watch this video so you can see first hand, (The Hypocrisy). If you have been paying attention to what is going on, increase your focus. And if you have not, please began doing so now, before November 6, 2012. If you are not registered, please get registered before your State's Deadline, and if you are, please vote for the Democrats on Election Day and beyond. Protect Democracy With Your Vote. G.R.C.

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