Thursday, May 24, 2018


First of all, Mike Pence is a "Political Dummy" and so is Donald Trump.

The destruction that this administration is causing this country is so obvious to those who are awake and invisible to those who are blinded by racism and hate.

It is also being ignored by those who see this destruction, know that it is happening, but don't care as long as it is a Old White Man causing it.

These are the people who would rather see a White Man Destroy the country rather than allowing a Black Man to save it.

Donald Trump is not worthy of being President of the United States of America. Neither is he worthy of being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Ignorance, Hatred, Greed, Sexism, Racism and Religious Bigotry.

All of us who actually know what the Nobel Peace Prize represents know that Donald Trump has none of the Human Characteristics that are required to even be considered.

We hope and pray that hatred won't be normalized or validated any further than the election of Donald Trump already has; by allowing him to ever receive this coveted award.

Trump: You always want to prove your White Supremacy by undoing everything that the First Black President did, and to attempt to do what he and no other president has done before.

Well Donald, you have finally did what no other American President has ever done before.

You exalted this dictator, worshiped him and praised him as if he was some kind of God, (because the Black Guy didn't).

As a result, you have been played like a fiddle by Kim Jong Un.

You have made him a major player on the world stage and gave him the International Recognition that he has so desperately been trying to achieve with all of the American Presidents who came before you.


Do you know what made other presidents, (including President Obama), so successful in their presidencies?

They knew their limitations, which is why they surrounded themselves with Highly Qualified people who were experts in their respective fields. And then they consulted with them before making any major decisions.

Do you honestly think that you can demand that another country lay down their weapons leaving them totally defenseless while Americans are on their peninsula blowing shit up?

I don't think so!

So now you can sell those Commemorative Coins on your website to further rip off the American People for your own Personal Financial Enrichment, which is what your entire presidency is all about.


Please Take 2 Minutes To Register To Vote For 2018 and 2020.

Please Vote if you are registered and register to VOTE if you are not, and please VOTE. Our life as we know it depends upon our Political Activism.............

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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