Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Does The White House Need A Diaper Or A Nose That Can Smell The Indecency And Hate That It Is Dumping Into The Country?


The White House Leader and Staff Members are more concerned with the leaking of Hatred, Racism, Corruption and Criminality as opposed to changing the culture in which these types of behaviours are allowed.

So what does that say about this administration?

It says that they are Hateful, Racist, Corrupt Criminals who have absolutely no intention of changing their negative behaviour and telecasting those changes to the heart and soul of America so that it can get better.

Instead, they don't mind doing wrong-they just don't want to get caught in the act.

Do you think this kind of leadership for the greatest and most powerful nation on the planet is safe?

If you answered yes, then obviously I am not talking to you.

Because you will blindly follow this idiot even though he lied to you during the campaign, he lied to you after he was elected, and he is lying to you and hurting you now.

But he's alright-Because he's all white....... However, for the rest of us who have been alive long enough to know that this is not normal or safe for the country, it is also important to know that the solution to this problem is not complicated.

The solution is not easy. And it is going to require a lot of hard work and sacrifice. And part of that sacrifice will also involve putting your money where you mouth is as well as doing the same with your education of others, your political activism and your vote.

The most frightening aspect of what this administration is doing to this country is the fact that they should have never been allowed to get this much power in the first place.

And since only about 35% of the people in this country as well as the perversion of our elections by Russia and a Republican Fixed Electoral College put these Crooks in this position. That means not enough people participated in the process to overcome these obstacles and many who did, decided to participate in Hero Worship towards a single candidate, instead of thinking of the entire country as a whole and who among the many would be the best person to run it. Notice! I did not say the perfect person to run it.


Because there's not such thing.

You are not perfect, I am not perfect, your family is not perfect, my family is not perfect, humans are not perfect.

So the myth that we need to stop choosing between the lesser of 2 evils is just that-a myth.

In every decision we make and any actions that we take in life, we always have to choose between the lesser of 2, 4, 6, 8 or even more evils.

So hopefully, we learned that nothing in life is "FREE", and that we cannot just fall in love with people who throw that word around just to get elected.

I also hope that we learned that voting for Off Brand Parties, (because our hero didn't win the primary), that does not have the necessary infrastructure in place, the financial means or the clout and experience to win, is just a vote for the person that you least want to win-in this case Trump.

So with all that said:It is time for all Americans who still want America to be America to take action now before, during and after the election.

In 2018, let's unite to rip all of Donald Trump's Republican Support from under him.

They are complicit and support and approve of every Criminal and Treasonous Act that Donald Trump's Administration commits, by Silence, Ignorance and by not upholding the Laws of this Country.

Hopefully, before 2020, Donald Trump will be Justifiably Removed from office through Impeachment and or Criminal Prosecution.

If by chance this does not happen, then it is up to us to handle it in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Please Take 2 Minutes To Register To Vote For 2018 and 2020.

Please Vote if you are registered and register to VOTE if you are not, and please VOTE. Our life as we know it depends upon our Political Activism.............

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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