Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Trump Verses Trump?????

Donald Trump, April 17, 2017

He's Lying!

Donald Trump, April 18, 2018

He's Still Lying!

I know that this is a small but significant fact that will not register with those who support Trump who are blinded by hate, or those who are not blind at all but just hate, and love the fact that Trump actively promotes hate consistently, or those who have been placed in a trance as a result of FOX NEWS and Hero Worship as members of his cult-But the fact is that subjects of investigations don't get to proclaim the end of that investigation or the results of that investigation..

So just because the Trump Administration and his Hired Liars, Thieves and Con Man and Women; continue to repeat the Mantra: "The investigation has been going on for too long now." "There's been no evidence of collusion."; first of all, doesn't make it so, and secondly, that is not their call to make. Now I know that about 30% of Americans will continue to fall for this Bullshit; but thankfully, the majority of American don't and won't.

Let's keep it that way........

Please Take 2 Minutes To Register To Vote For 2018 and 2020.

Let's work together to stop the Trump Administration from destroying all of the progress that has been made over the past 242 years in America.

In 2018, let's unite to rip all of Donald Trump's Republican Support from under him.

They are complicit and support and approve of every Criminal and Treasonous Act that Donald Trump's Administration commits, by Silence, Ignorance and by not upholding the Laws of this Country.

Hopefully, before 2020, Donald Trump will be Justifiably Removed from office through Impeachment and or Criminal Prosecution.

If by chance this does not happen, then it is up to us to handle it in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Please Vote if you are registered and register to VOTE if you are not, and please VOTE. Our life as we know it depends upon our Political Activism.............

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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