Saturday, April 14, 2018

Michael Cohen Get's Raided, James Comey Writes A Book And Trump Strikes Syria..... Coincidence?

Do you really believe that last night's Fireworks Display in Syria, (from a guy who has repeatedly attacked President Obama for having Human Compassion for the Syrian Refugees who were trying to come to America to prevent themselves and their families from being poisoned), actually launched this attack to help these Brown Skinned People from a Shithole Country?

This attack was nothing more than another diversion to take the American People and the Media's attention off of his impending doom as a result of his Criminal and Treasonous Behaviour in the White House; which him and his associates have set up as a Criminal Enterprise to Generate Profits instead of doing what The People's House was originally designed to do,(which is to address the concerns and problems of the American People, and to fix them.

There are approximately 30% to 40%, (maybe less now for those who are tired of being lied to and used),and are beginning to see the light, and are withdrawing their support from this Criminal Con Man; who actually believe this shit as advertised.

But for the majority of the country who did not vote for this Criminal, Racist, Lying Ass, Greedy Ass Con Man; do not take your eyes off of the prize because of last night's attempted diversion.

The prize is still, and must remain the same no matter what Show Business Tactics that Trump and his Trumpites may employ to distract the Majority of American from continuing to focus on that prize, which is to DESTROY Trump's Criminal Enterprise Forever. And to return the White House and the other Branches of the Government that Republicans have allowed Trump to hijack back to the people who they have been elected to represent.

Please remain vigilant. Because this president,(who was willing to Sell Out America for money from Russia), would certainly be willing to start WWIII to save his own Corrupt Ass.

He has thrown many people who were supposedly important in his life, under the bus once they got in trouble for working with and protecting him- and these are people that he knows.

Imagine what he would do to us if we allow him to get away with it.

Keep your eyes on the prize.

Please Take 2 Minutes To Register To Vote For 2018 and 2020.

Let's work together to stop the Trump Administration from destroying all of the progress that has been made over the past 242 years in America.

In 2018, let's unite to rip all of Donald Trump's Republican Support from under him.

They are complicit and support and approve of every Criminal and Treasonous Act that Donald Trump's Administration commits, by Silence, Ignorance and by not upholding the Laws of this Country.

Hopefully, before 2020, Donald Trump will be Justifiably Removed from office through Impeachment and or Criminal Prosecution.

If by chance this does not happen, then it is up to us to handle it in the 2020 Presidential Election.

Please Vote if you are registered and register to VOTE if you are not, and please VOTE. Our life as we know it depends upon our Political Activism.............

Please get ready for the fight now, the fight in 2018 and the fight in 2020.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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