Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Infrastructure Republicans!

Of course this accident is still under investigation and the cause has not yet been determined.

But it is important to note that railways, highways, bridges and airports in the U.S have not kept up with the Technological Advances in Safety that other major countries have had in place for many years now.

This is not the first and will not be the last accident whose cause is questionable, (with failing, poor or unsafe Infrastructure possibly being the cause).

In January 2015, a bridge collapsed in Cincinnati Ohio, (which is the home of the Speaker of the House, John Boehner), who is one of the main leaders of the party that refuses to spend money and create jobs by allowing President Obama's Jobs Bill to get off his desk and into Congress for a vote.

One man was killed on that bridge as a result.

In February of 2015, a woman narrowly escaped death when a large chunk of an overpass fell off striking and breaking the windshield of her car.

The woman fortunately was not injured during the incident that could have killed her.

These are just 2 examples of many that have resulted from Republican's failure to address our crumbling, dangerous infrastructure in this country.

There have been many others that caused the loss of life, and yet, Republicans still refuse to allocate funds in their budget for these much needed repairs that would take many people off of unemployment and allow them to earn a decent living wage making the roads and bridges and rail systems safer.

And the reason other than hatred of the president is, because they have yet to have their wives, husbands, children or relatives die as a result of one of these accidents.

And its sad to say that unless and until that happens, or something else of a Divine Nature intervenes, then we probably will not see any changes in this situation.

Because Republicans only have money for BP, Koch Industry's, Eli Lilly, Westinghouse, General Electric, Donald Trump, etc, etc, etc.

If you vote for or are going to vote for Republicans in the upcoming Presidential Elections and then again in the upcoming Midterm Elections, then you need to know that they don't give a damn about you, your kids, your wife, or your other family members and friends. And they will do very little that benefits you or them; which should be completely clear by now to anyone who has a brain.

Since that accident, very little, (if anything), has been done to address the Dangerous Crumbling Infrastructure in our country, because it is not important to them, and because quite frankly John Boehner, and the entire Republican Party and the Right wing Hate Machine in America are deliberately trying to lead this country into destruction,( because it has a Black the President).

And stupidly, there are many Hateful and Fearful People who will continue to vote for these Sub Humans, even though they are either aware or not that they are voting against their own interests as Poor or Middle Class Folk.

And those who are aware, only do it because all they see is Black Faces.

So how do we deal with that?

Well! Fortunately, there are more people then not who know that a Civil War, Race Riot or a Bloody Revolution is not something that would be good for anyone living in this country.

The bad new is that even though we outnumber the idiots who don't mind these things, unfortunately, we refuse to out vote them.

This Political Apathy allows people like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and other billionaires to buy candidates and elections instead of the people making the choices.

To stop this trend, we must look at the alternatives to voting and decide if they are the choices that we are willing to make for our families, ourselves or our country.

We have got to rebuild our nation physically, mentally, financially and spiritually.

And that bunch of Racist that are now in control in Washington are not willing to do that while President Obama is in office; (and just for the record), they will not be willing to do it with President Hillary Clinton in office either.

So what we gonna do?


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