Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Don't Let These People Hide Behind GOD To Cover Their Sinful Human Nature-It's Hypocrisy

Just like me, you and your family and friends; the Duggar family are humans with the same Sinful Human Characteristics as the rest of us.

However, far too many "Religious People", (Not "Spiritual People"), possess these same hypocritical characteristics that makes them feel like their sins are of a better quality than the sins of those who don''t share their beliefs.

This is a common theme that runs through most of the Religious World.

"GOD is on my side, but not on yours".

"My sins are covered in the blood of Jesus, but yours are not, because you are not a "Child of GOD".

If there is a GOD that created us all, then we are all "Children of GOD", rather we agree with someone's Religious Philosophy or not.

I say all of that to say this: The Duggars, Mike Huckabee and the other Racists like them who substitute the word "Evangelical" for the word "Racist", the same as many of the so called "Patriots" who hide behind the Bible and the Flag do are no more "GOD Like", "Divine" or "Patriotic" then the rest of us.

Now I just want to say that some of these Right wing Evangelicals who are ready and willing to forgive the Duggars are the very same people who could not and would not forgive President Obama for being Black, (which is the way that GOD),well! (maybe not their GOD), made him.

But they want to forgive a Child Molester, who I saw giving a speech over 2 years ago damming Gay People and speaking as if he was GOD himself proclaiming that any issue of sexual deviation should be a Moral Issue, or some shit to that effect? I have always said, and continue to say: The deeper someone digs into another's closet, the more they have hiding in their's.

And the louder they shout about another's closet, the more they are hiding something far worse then what they are shouting about in their own closet.

Everyone who is alive, awake and who has brainwaves pulsating in their heads should recognize this Bullshit for what it is: Racism, Hatred and Hypocrisy.

Any person who uses a "GOD of Love" as an excuse to Hate is a very dangerous individual indeed.

And when groups of people use a "GOD of Love" as an excuse to Hate, then that danger is multiplied times the number of people in the group.

Finally, I am going to turn this thing over to the Young Turks in the video below, because they say it so much better than me.

But I am going to say this one last thing: Be alert, be aware and be awake to this Bullshit in the upcoming 2016 Elections, because these Tactics are definitely the Right wing Hate Machine's Calling Cards, and they are represented by Republicans and people who wear other stripes who share the same or similar Hate.

Don't buy into this Fictitious Bullshit.


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