Tuesday, March 10, 2015

We Live In A Post Racial Society????? This Video Disproves That Unrealistic Point Of View

There are 2 very Dangerous Misconceptions about Racism in America that have surfaced since the election of the First African American President, Barrack Obama:

1. "We live in a Post Racial Society."

2. "Racism is dead among younger people."

Misconception # 1 is dangerous because its like having a cancer eating away at vital organs and not seeking treatment because you either don't know, or won't admit that there is a problem.

Its also dangerous because it is not, and never has been, and probably will never be true; as long as human beings inhabit the earth.

Misconception #2 is dangerous because it sometimes desensitizes young people to the fact that their in the presence of a Racist or Racists and are being treated in a Racist manner, simply because racism is more sophisticated and subliminal in these modern times and is not as easily detected as it once was.

This video proves both of these theories wrong.

There are no simple answers about to why there so many people who would rather hide their heads in the sand when it comes to Racial Relations in America; but 2 reasons quickly come to mind: 1. If we make pretend that something is not a problem when it actually is, then we can keep telling ourselves that there's no work to be done.

2. It is human nature to delay, deny or ignore things that we rather not deal with.

Whatever the reasons are for America not dealing with its Racism-It's obvious that this problem has already become deadly, and will continue to do so on an even larger scale, if we continue to make pretend that it is not real.

The reason we have so many problems with Racism in America is because we don't have any problems with Racism in America.


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