Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ted Cruz Wants To Repeal Obamacare For All Americans Except Him And His Family

Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas; who has been attacking Obamacare and its evils since day one of his successful election to the Senate, now says he needs to sign up for Obamacare for Himself and His Family, because His Wife is going to quit Her Job to help him run for President of the United State of America.

There's not much that I like about these people but this is the one thing that I do like about the Right wing Conservative Hate Machine in America: They can say and do things that Liberals would never dream of saying or doing, and do them with a Straight Face, a Sincere Tone and Falsified, Inaccurate Rationalizations as to why they said, are saying or going to do or doing something that is completely Dishonest and Hypocritical, and still get some idiots to vote for them.

Texas has one of the highest rates of uninsured people in the country, and Ted Cruz has been fighting to make sure that these uninsured people do not get the health insurance that they need to protect themselves and their families in case of serious injury or illness, because Obamacare is such a Legislative, Unconstitutional Disaster for them, but it is Perfectly Good Legislation for him and his family.

And because of the people who will still vote for him and support and defend him, (many who are not rich like him, or who do not make over $170,000.00 per year like him, nor have they had the advantage of the First Class Education that he has), combined with the Political Apathy of Voters on the Liberal Side-This Dangerous and Destructive Character can actually become President of the United State of America to oversee the United States Government which he also hates and wants torn down to the ground.

How stupid are Americans when it comes to issues that are a matter of survival and growth for themselves, their families, their communities, and their country?

We'll just have to wait and see over the next year if we are going to maintain the progress that we've made for the majority of our citizens over the past 7 years, (without any cooperation or assistance from Republicans), or will we just turn this country over to a few Hateful, Racists, Elitists individuals whose only purpose in politics is to Uplift, Protect and Enrich the lives of people just like them, who do not represent the majority of Americans.

He, and many like him, will also fool many people who they falsely indentify with by giving the old, ("I am just like you") speech. And due to their, Ignorance, Hatred and Racism that blinds them to the truth, they too will defend, support and vote for Ted Cruz and the many in the GOP who are like him; even though they may live in shacks for homes, have broken cars setting up on bricks, no teeth in their mouths and can neither read or write which forces them to live in a world all by themselves where Science, Math, News and Technology does not exist, or exist as a direct creation of Satin.

But we can stop these Political Power Grabs by these Ignoramuses by Active Participation in our Democratic System of Government by voting against that which we do not want in groves.

For you, your family and the rest of the American Family who want this country to be what it was designed to be; I certainly hope that you will make these Very Dangerous People Lose and go back to the toilets from which they came.


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