Saturday, February 21, 2015

What's Wrong With Rudy Giuliani?

It's the same thing that is wrong with America.

There are still too many of a Dying, Racist, Hateful Breed left who cannot accept the fact that the demographics and spirit of this nation is changing for the better, and moving towards a kinder, gentler more diverse and tolerant society.

The Explosive Manifestation of these positive changes occurred in 2008 with the "Legal" and "Legitimate Election" of the First African American President in 2008 and his Successful Re-Election in 2012, followed by a massive loss of an adequate support system for the president in the Midterm Elections of 2010 and then again in 2014.

The Political Apathy that exist among the majority of people in this country is what has allowed these people to increase their numbers and their strength to disruptive and dangerous levels within our government.

And these people have and will continue to destroy and disrupt the growth and progress that we have made as a nation and that President Obama's Administration has made over the past 6+ years, as long as we continue to allow them too.

Rudy Giuliani is just one of many Right wing, Conservative, Republican Hate Mongers who still see this country as the "Lilly White Man's Utopia" that it was for far too long.

People like President Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice, represent a major threat to their desire to control, dominate and destroy people who are not like them so that they do not have to share the wealth, power or opportunities that are not yet completely distributed evenly or fairly yet-but the more even distribution of wealth power and opportunities for a more diverse group of people in America has caused these racists who are still alive to erupt into a hateful frenzy against what is a very real threat for them.

And for those who are no longer with us, they are turning over in their graves at the thought of the America that they once knew and loved being destroyed.

The fact of the matter is that the America they once knew filled with Hatred, Racism, Injustice and Inequality needs to be destroyed.

Its America; so everyone has a right to their personal opinion even if its a lie.

However, when people have to keep trying to dig themselves out of the toilet that they put themselves in, (which many Republicans like Rudy Giuliani have found the need to do over the past 6+ years), by lying about the lie they told previously and digging themselves in deeper-Isn't that an indication that people who are dishonest about these little things, may not be suited for leadership roles in our government?

Because if they repeatedly prove to the nation that they will say or do anything, including lying, cheating, stealing and in some extreme cases even killing to get power, then of course these same non-principled individuals will do the same things to keep power.

Rudy Giuliani has always seen African Americans and other Minorities as inferior, this is why he found it necessary to accuse the president of not loving this country because he did not grow up like "the rest of us".

And we all know who "us" is don't we?

And another thing: President Obama is one of the most Patriotic Black People that I have ever seen, (because quite frankly), based on the history of America as it relates to African Americans and other Oppressed Minorities, it is a fact that many Black Americans have mixed emotions when it comes to loving a country that has done so many hateful things to first, American Indians, Slaves and to this day, Modern Day Minority American Citizens including even the President of the United States.

And Giuliani's and many other Conservative Racists assumptions that if you talk about what is wrong with America instead of turning a blind eye to these problems, then that makes you "Hate America". And because President Obama and many other African Americans are not willing to deny the history or America's Dirt, this is why he is a target for these Racists.

So called "American Exceptional-ism" is nothing more than "White Supremacy", which continues to spread the myth of a "Perfect White Race" even to this day when we and they know better.

The fact of the matter is that people who do love America want to see it continue to get better for all of its citizens. And the only way to do this is to admit that America has serious problems that need to be addressed; (one of which is the type of Racism that is promoted by people like Rudy Giuliani). Before the ideal of a "More Perfect Union", can become more than just some bullshit written on a piece of paper, we will have to admit that the union needs work.

The key to solving this problem of Hatred and Racism is to remove all of those who cannot or will not adapt to the new positive changes that have occurred over the past 60 years from positions of power where they can do great harm.

And the way to do that is to first of all, acknowledge the fact that they exist instead of walking around with blinders on or convincing ourselves that Racism is no longer a problem in America because we now have the First African American President-(just look at how he has been treated) by those who hate him and everybody else that is not like them.

And once identified, we must join together and use Political Activism to contain, neutralize and finally remove these people from the positions of power that they hold which puts them in a place where they can do great harm to the people of the United States of America.


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