Sunday, February 1, 2015

Phase 1 - The Negative Effects Of The 2014 Midterm Elections

What did House Republicans do with their January?

☑ Attacked Social Security

☑ Chipped away at a woman’s health care rights

☑ Attempted to weaken financial regulations

☑ Set a plan in motion to Sue the president for usurping his Constitutional Authority, using your tax dollars

☑ Vowed to fight to protect Wall Street, the Banking Industry and other Corporations and Rich People to pay even less taxes

☑ Continued the fight to keep taxes the same for the Middle Class

☑ Continued the fight to kill programs that were created to help the poorest people in our nation and those who cannot help themselves.

No Education?

No Tax Reform?

No Infrastructure?

No jobs?

And no love or respect for the American People who are different from them,(including The President).

Never forget that your actions or inaction determine the fate of this country.

Stay tuned America.

There's more to come..............


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