Saturday, November 8, 2014

Post Election Analysis

After a very disappointing defeat for Democrats in the 2014 Midterm Elections, now comes begins the "Blame Game".

First of all you need to know that historically speaking, what happened in the 2014 Midterm Elections was not only predictable but imminent.

And although I was working hard towards changing history for the better like we as a country did in 2008 and then again in 2012 by electing and reelecting President Obama, I knew that if we did not put forth that same kind of effort, energy and hope for change that we did then, I knew that President Obama and the Democratic Party was at severe risk of a severe lost if we didn't-and we didn't.

Here's why:

Second-Term Midterm Results of Recent Presidents Total legislature loss is a recent phenomenon; although, Cleveland and Grant also lost both houses during their second term mid-term elections. This is the midterm results of every two-term president since Eisenhower:

Dwight D. Eisenhower Republican 1959 midterms Senators lost: 13 US Reps lost: 48 Result: Arguably, the worst second-term midterm election result for a recent president. The slim Democratic majority in both houses enlarged to an overwhelming majority. The Democrats would maintain this lead until the 1981 midterms, 22 years later.

Ronald Reagan Republican 1987 midterms Senators lost: 8 US Reps lost: 5 Result: Reagan lost the senate and increased his losses in the US House.

Bill Clinton Democrat 1999 midterms Senators lost: 0 US Reps lost: 3 Result: Clinton lucked out with the best second-term midterm election result. He already had both houses against him going into the midterms.

George W. Bush Republican 2007 midterms Senators lost: 6 US Reps lost: 33 Result: Bush lost both houses of Congresses. It should be noted that officially the Senate was 49-49 after the elections; however, the two independent senators in the new congress would vote with the Democrats.

Barack Obama Democrat 2014 midterms Senator +/- range: 5 to 8 losses US Reps +/- range: 6 to 9 losses

Possible result: Even with loses in the Senate, if Obama can manage to lose only five senators, then he will still maintain a lead in the Senate, as Joe Biden will be the tie-breaking vote in the event of a 50-50 vote.

It should also be noted that these loses in the midterms were never undone in the elections two years later; although, Clinton was able to get a tie in the senate. If all trends continue, then the 2016 midterm elections will probably end with Republican leads in both houses.

Source: Jonathan Hobratsch, Writer. Editor for the Literati Quarterly, Huff Post Politics

Since I did not just become involved in the 2014 Midterm Elections when they started approaching, I have been monitoring the Toxic Political Environment every since President Obama began running while he was still Senator Obama.

And the one thing that I knew instinctively just from my experience with RACISM from the time that I was a child into adulthood, (while living in the Northern part of the country where Racism was not supposed to be as prevalent as it was in the South),is that those personal experiences allowed me to know (all to well), about the Animosity and Hatred that White Racist People can sling at Black People and other Minorities who start to do things that they think they have the right to determine rather these members of Minority Groups should or should not be doing.

It happened with Jackie Robinson

It happened with Althea Gibson

Arthur Ashe

Hank Arron

The Venus Sisters

Tiger Woods

And a multitude of other Minorities who "Do Not Know Their Place", (as if GOD assigned these Racists to supervise our places in life).

So when I first heard that Senator Obama was going to run for president, I knew that it would not be long before these Ignoramuses would start to put their hatred into action and on full display for anyone with a heart, a brain and eyes to see.

And they certainly did.

They immediately started a campaign to destroy this man's Presidency even before he was legally elected, up to and including the night of his inauguration when while he was dancing with his wife at the various Inaugural Balls, they were just blocks away plotting to undermine and sabotage his Presidency before he was even sworn in.

What method did they finally choose to accomplish this destruction?

They chose to do nothing,(Absolutely Nothing!), which they knew would tear this country apart and make the President a failure.

As a matter of fact, Rush Limbaugh, (The True Leader of the Republican Party), said that "I hope he fails".

And he never wavered in his efforts to make President Obama a "Failure".

Shortly after this mandate from Super Racist Rush Limbaugh, FOX News, (The main source of information for these Racists, Hateful Low Information White Voters in the country), began to become a megaphone for this goal which all Racists agreed was more important than helping this man to help the country.

As a matter of fact, Mitch McConnell who is now the Majority Leader thanks to the Major Defeat of Democrats in the Midterms boldly proclaimed that' "Our goal is to make this President a One Term President".

Not jobs, not education, not immigration , not programs to help the sick, the poor, the disadvantaged or infrastructure repair, national security, financial institution reform and definitely now healthcare.

Just that they make President Obama a One Term President.

So they deliberately refused to work with President Obama on any of the issues listed above as well as refused to work with him on anything that would be of benefit to the people of this country; (even the ones who blindly and stupidly give these Racist their full attention, devotion and support); (many times voting against their own best interests), because hurting themselves is more important than helping the First African American President to help them and the country as a whole.

Then they launched a continuous publicity campaign to convince the American People that the lack of progress that we were experiencing was the result of the President's and Democrats's Gridlock and Obstruction, when in fact, it was them who were doing it all the long and blaming the President and Democrats for it.

So this is the first point of blame to be placed, which is the Racist Republican Party Members who could not stand to see a Black Man in the White House, because it showed that Barack Obama "Did not know his place".

Next comes the Democratic Leadership, who failed to support, protect and assist this president in pushing his message of Economic Stability, Safety and Security for our nation and consistent growth for all of America's Citizens, regardless of their Race, Religion, Economic Status or Who they loved.

The Democratic Leadership has also failed to update their Antiquated Messaging System to reach a whole new group of new voters-young, old, black, white etc.

We often accuse the Republicans of not being modern or current, but yet, we are still using the same Political Messaging Systems and Ads that have been used for political campaigns since radio and TV were invented; and using them to target the same people that we've always targeted them to-Registered Voters and Likely Voters, which leaves far too many people out of the fold.

And Democrats never ever, ever match the Republicans Blow for Blow, which is why we are so ineffective at countering the Dirty Tactics that they use, which includes doing Anything to win rather its Legal, Illegal, Moral or Immoral.

We can't win elections and make sure that the Democratic Party not only survives but thrives, if we continue to fail to match the Republican's Intensity and Evil.

So I blame the Democrats for allowing Republicans to successfully pull off this Racism and Misinformation Campaign by once again; (as they did in 2010, which was a very stupid thing to do again); distancing themselves from the President and his Accomplishments and theirs.

The next element in the analysis of course are the people-Those who were registered to vote and didn't, and especially those who didn't register or vote,

In the 2014 Midterms only 13% of voters 18-29 voted nationwide.

In the 2014 Midterms only 12% of African Americans voted nationwide.

In the 2014 Midterms only 8% Of Latinos voted nationwide.

In the 2014 Midterms only 37% of Seniors voted nationwide.

The Democratic Party cannot win Midterm Elections with numbers like these,

But guess what?

Republicans knew damn well what they wanted and needed and what they had to do to get it, and they did it, with very little opposition from the people listed above.

Now part of this Participation Problem is related to the Democratic Leadership's Failure to utilize New and Effective Messaging that speaks to this new generation.

And I warned the Democratic Congressional Committee way back in April of 2014, as well as some Local Democratic Leaders of the dangers in not countering the Republicans Negative Messaging that involved Inaccurate, Harsh and Dishonest Lies about the President and the Democratic Party.


The other part of this participation problem is just Apathy, Laziness, Disregard for the people who died so that we could have the (Right to Vote) and the inability or lack of desire to learn and participate in activities that either directly or indirectly affect the quality of the life that they live.

Then there are also those who don't care about the quality of the life that they live, and therefore see absolutely no need to participate in the Democratic Process of Voting.

Even though this group may appear to be a "Lost Cause",I think its still worth a try to reach out to them as well, because you never know when something you say or do will open someone's eyes, hearts and minds and give them a reason to want to change their lives for the better by participating in Civic Minded Activities,including Voting and Political Activism after the elections.

And finally! I just do not trust the accuracy and validity of the "Republican Landslide", because I am thoroughly familiar with the Nature of the Beast.

As I said above, Republicans are people who are not particularly honest or fond of Black People and other Minorities, and they also have a history of stealing elections through some very questionable tactics, (one of which has been used on a national basis for at least the past 6 years); that being Voter Suppression, which I am sure played a major part in the manipulation of the Midterm Mathematics.

And there is also the issue of Gerrymandering Districts in their favor so that no matter how Insane, Hateful. Racist or Dangerous their Political Rhetoric is, they are still guaranteed a win in their Primary Elections.

And then when the National Elections come, they try to fool the Vast Majority of Americans other than those Ignoramuses in their local districts that they didn't say this or that or that they said it but, they meant something totally different.

Of course, the American People did not fall for this BS in 2008 or 2012, and I certainly hope that we educate as many people as possible between now and 2016, so that the American People on a National Basis will not fall for this BS in 2016 either.

This is why Democrats need to STOP relying on just Registered Voters and Likely Voters and implement a National Program that is designed to Consistently Recruit New Voters to replace registered voters who cannot get Voter ID's because they were born before paper of digital records were kept, and because of these New Fake Voter ID Laws that were never an issue as long as we had White Presidents, or to replace those voters who die,(as we all know will happen), and to replace those who are not voting or those who vote inconsistently or those voters who suddenly stop voting for whatever reason.

Voter Recruiting must be a continuous process that runs at some pace before, during and after the elections.

We cannot afford to continue to ignore the fact that voter numbers constantly change for many reasons, and that we as a party, need to have a plan in place to consistently replenish our voters.

And please Democrats! Stop waiting until 2 weeks before the election to hit the Progressive Airwaves in America.

2 weeks before an election is way too late to change the hearts and minds of people who don't see a reason to vote, refuse to vote and to get unregistered voters registered.

Preparation for the 2014 Midterm Elections should have started in 2011 after the 2010 Shellacking that the Democrats suffered back then, which I thought was the worst possible outcome until I lived through the 2014 Midterm Elections.

And to all Racists Democrats or those of you who are not Racist but who want to cater to the Racists in their Racists States and Districts- Remember this very important point: You cannot deny your association with the First African American President and then expect to get the African Americans to vote for you.

Do Not! insult our intelligence.

Your intellect is not superior to ours as human beings, and we are insulted when you don't acknowledge The First African American President by totally disassociating yourselves from him to impress the Super Racist from your states and Districts.

When it comes to Elections and being a Democrat, you either believe in American and Democratic Values for all of America's Citizens or you don't.

If you don't believe that all Americans should be given an equal opportunity to have a decent safe life in America, then you need to be a Republican.

And you can't turn your back on President Obama without turning your back on us, and then thinking that we are going to forget what you did, and then reward you for it.

This is the same mistake that you idiots made in 2010, and you turned right around and did it again in 2014.

You didn't show him respect or acknowledge his accomplishments or yours as Democrats.

And people don't respect people who don't stand for something; especially if it is something that benefits them.

But they do respect people who do stand for something, (even if they disagree with you).

In that case, you may not get our vote, but oh yea!

That's right!

You lost anyway!

Didn't you?

Democrats need to be Democrats always.

You cannot run as a Democrat and act like a Republican because you are in the middle of an election campaign.

And Democrats need to fight fire with fire.

And for all of you Democrats and Voters who are looking for anything to change now because Republicans now hold a majority in Congress-Let me ask you something:

Have Republicans done anything but lie, cheat, steal, delay, deny, obstruct and create gridlock in Washington, DC for the past 6 years? Yes!

And is the President still Black?


So if there are not more Republicans with power now, doesn't it follow that now there will be more of what we already had for the past 6+years?


So listen up Democrats: You didn't fight the fight that you needed to fight before the 2014 Midterm Election; so now you better be prepared to match Republicans Blow for Blow, or just fold up the tent and go home and give them the country and the world to destroy.


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