Thursday, November 20, 2014

Immigrants: Republicans Do Not Want You Here.

As usual, there have been so many soft shoe routines by politicians over the last 6 years since President Obama was elected to office, and this is what makes 'Change" so difficult.

Because, before you can fix anything-you have to admit that there really is a problem that requires time, energy, effort and thought to correct.

You know what I mean! Problems like Hatred, Racism and Greed.

Now I am not just accusing one party or race or class of people of these very real and human emotions and points of view,(because clearly there is enough hate to go around on both sides of the fence), but I will say this; as Bill Maher so aptly puts it: "I'm not saying that all Republicans are Racists, I am just saying that if you are a Racists, you are most likely a Republican".

Now I know that there are some White People who are reading this who are chomping at the bit and jumping up and down yelling "I'm not a Racist"."I have Black Friends"., or "I have Black People in my family", (not mentioning the fact that those Black Family Members are members of their family who their sons or daughters chose, but who they absolutely did not and do not approve of, and who will not be sitting at their dinner table come Thanksgiving).

This is a true indication of Racists trying to prove that their not Racists, because Racism is supposed to be so taboo now.

But taboo or not, Racism is alive and well in America, and it doesn't matter how many White People want to deny its existence because they see it as a bad reflection on them individually and or them as a race of people.

And it doesn't matter how many Black People and other Minorities want to deny it so that they don't have to deal with it, or try to eliminate or at least minimize its ugly effects on our "Modern Society"

Racism and Hatred are real,their destructive, their dominating our political system and there are no signs of them slowing down as long as their is a Black President in the White-house-or a Female Clinton.

That's a FACT Jack!

Hatred and Racism are real.

Now Illegal Immigrants: I know that you are mad as hell at President Obama for delaying his Executive Actions on Immigration Reform, but the fact of the matter is: that even though he did delay his promised actions on Immigration Reform prior to the 2014 Midterm Elections, (which I regrettably admit), rather he or his administration is willing to admit, that this was a Political Decision to appease a very small number of Democrats from Racist States, (who really don't want you here), who lost anyway, because people hate fakes, (especially when it comes to the people they elect in the hopes that these people will do everything they can to make their lives better).

So even though you are are mad at President Obama, (as you should be), for delaying his actions on Immigration, he is at least trying to keep his promise to one segment of society that helped to get him elected in 2008 and 2012.

So tonight at 8:00 PM, I hope you will tune in to listen to President Obama's address to the nation on the subject of his Executive Actions to do what he can within his legal authority to help you remain here and to become as legal citizens of this great nation that has been a nation of immigrants every since thousands and thousands of American Indians were Raped, Slaughtered and Killed, because the First Illegal Immigrants wanted what was rightfully theirs, which is the land where we all live now which they named America.

The same land that was also built up by African Slaves for free, who are still fighting after generations to be equal citizens of the United States.

Yes! We as African Americans are legal, but we are far from being equal.

So Please understand that what you want and what the President can deliver legally and realistically are 2 different things.

And please also know that he is taking some Political Risks to even try to make it legal for you to stay in America and keep your families together, (which is the human thing to do).

He is putting his legacy on the line to do what he can to help you.

So if you are still mad at the President for making what I believe was an (Ill Advised Political Move), putting the many at risk for a few, then I want you to really wake up and look at what the Republicans are doing for you-NOTHING!


Because there are already too many Black, Brown, Yellow and Red People here in America for them, because they are Racial Separatists and Racial Supremacists, and have been for quite some time, (them being Republicans).

So they don't want you here, because you are a threat to their grip on Money, Resources and mainly their Political Power, which they will fight tooth and nail to hold on to at any costs.

So let's get it straight!

It's not President Obama and most of the Democrats who don't want you here-It's the Republicans, because your presence (in their eyes), is a threat to their "Lilly White Man's Society", that has been and is already crumbling because it is Human Nature for every person to want to be free and to prosper and make a living that helps them to feed and protect their families and loved ones.

But Republicans are the kind of people that believe that these benefits should only be available to them, because they always have been.

It's also important to note that anything the President implements tonight as far as Executive Orders go for Immigration Reform, are only going to be Partial and Temporary.

Only Congress can bring about the total and permanent changes that you seek.

Not the President.

And should anyone not understand that, then please learn or relearn how the branches of the U.S. Government operate in accord,(or since President Obama was elected), discord with one another.

So if you want Total and Permanent Immigration Reform, get the hell off of the President's back and have his back, so that together we can all fight to have what is our right as not just Americans, but as Human Beings.

The target should not be President Obama.

The targets should be those Hateful, Greedy, Racists Republicans.

So don't just listen to what Republicans say-watch what they do, and then direct your anger, disgust and mistrust towards the ones who are really creating all of these problems for Average American Citizens who they do not, and never will consider their equals, and all Illegal Immigrants who want to stop being exploited by American Businesses as Cheap Labor without any rights to Citizenship and Protection Under American Law.

Please remember that President Obama is also under attack by these same Racists that are attacking you, because he is the First African American President, and they hate him too, and vowed to never work with him from day one.

Take it out on the God Damned Republicans in Congress if you want Immigration Reform.

Listen to this song about Republicans entitled HATE!

It's who they are.


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