Thursday, June 26, 2014

Symbolic Bullshit

This false display of unity made me want to puke.

Don't get me wrong.

I am all for Love, Peace and Togetherness, but for people who are supposed to represent real people in America, this display was an insult to the Average American's Intelligence, and this is what is wrong with our politics today.

Granted, politics are a mixture of actually working to help people and of helping yourself mixed in with a significant amount of showmanship.

But to make pretend that you are honoring a man who gave his life for everything that many of the people who were up their singing are totally opposed to, like Truth, Justice and Racial and Sexual Equality-that's ridiculous.

And I hope that all those who were involved in this false display of unity, (both Democrat and Republican), are not under the false impression that this showmanship instilled faith, confidence and hope in our politicians.

In my professional, expert opinion, it did just the opposite.

And Note to all of you Tea Party/Republicans,(I put Tea Party first because the Tea Party has not gone anywhere), they have just taken over the "Traditional Republican Party", (which was already racists enough), but now because of the infiltration of the Republican Party by the Tea Party; their racism has now been Super Sized-please stop misquoting and using our Civil Right's Leaders words to support your points which are diametrically opposed to what our leaders were talking about when they were speaking those words.

I know that this may work for the "Low Information Voters" that you cater to, and that is probably the audience that this B.S. is intended for; but we as African Americans just want you to know that those or us who fall for this B.S. are few and far in between-And can only be found at your GOP Political Events.

Here look at again if you didn't need a bucket to throw up in the first time or if you are a Political Masochist.


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