Wednesday, June 25, 2014

A Message To National Democratic Leadership Organizations

Voter turnout in Maryland was deplorable yesterday.

If the voter turnout in this state's primary elections are indicative of what we can expect in the 2014 Midterm Elections, then the Democratic Party and Democracy is toast.

To put it simply, the things that the "Genuisis" are doing at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and other Democratic Think Tanks is not working as far as attracting new voters that we desperately need is concerned.

Oh yea! Those Archaic Campaign Ads that political parties have been using since Radio and TV was invented works well for Politicos like me and the millions of other political junkies in the country; but they are doing very little to nothing to recruit and motivate a new generation of voters who could care less about those campaign ads.

And these are the people we need to replenish our voter rolls to secure and protect our Democracy now and in the future.

So to put it plainly, if the Democratic Powers to be don't start utilizing new and creative ways to reach, teach and motivate these new voters, we are going to have the same problem in 2014 that we had in 2010-A big loss; and even worse this November, the end of President Obama's Presidency.

When you keep sending people automated emails begging for money and then totally ignore them when they see something from a different perspective that may just contribute something positive to the cause then it really makes people like me-a devoted Democrat think twice about sending the little bit of money that I have to people who are not even interested in hearing what I have to say.

Just because all of us cannot be "Big Money Donors" does not mean that we don't have "Big Ideas" that could help push the Democratic Party over the top in November and in 2016.

And I for one, do not appreciate the fact that my ideas,letters,proposals opinions and suggestions are being totally ignored by the Democratic Leadership, (especially the DCCC).

When you have to constantly send emails out that say things like:

1. I Need You

2. Kiss All Hope Goodbye

3. Devastating News

4. Did you see the AWFUL News?

5. Unprecedented Blow

And other such messages of desperation.....shouldn't that be an indication to the Democratic Leadership of the party that they need to change direction by enhancing and tuning up their messaging?

I mean what does it take before we see that there needs to be a change in the way that we conduct our business?

I'm not saying this to curse the elections coming up in November and in 2016, because I am a lifelong Democrat who truly believes in Democratic Values.

I'm saying this because I think the Democratic Party has Superior Products and Services to offer to this country, but they are continuing to use outdated marketing systems that are ineffective at driving their message home to these new young apathetic voters that we desperately need.

It's not that we should do away with Traditional Campaign Ads.

I am just saying that we need to add some New, Fresh, Creative Methodologies to our Marketing Strategies if we expect to beat the Koch Brothers and the other Right wing Hate Mongers who happen to be Very Rich.

To all of the Democratic Leadership Organizations who read this: I want President Obama's Presidency to be extremely effective and successful; and I want it to be written into the history books that way in spite of the Very Toxic Political Environment, that we as Americans have had to put up with since President Obama was elected in 2008 and then reelected in 2012 by the will of the American People.

What do you want the history books to say about President Obama? I hope it's not the same thing that the Republican/Tea Party wants written, which is either bad or non existent.

Don't let Republicans write President Obama out of the history books.

We have got to fight like they fight if we expect to win.

And you can begin by listening to some of the people like me who are dedicated and devoted to continued victories for Democracy in our country rather we are Big Donors or now.

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