Saturday, August 10, 2013

Vote For Me And I'll Set You FREE!

Vote For Me And I Will:

Make sure that you cannot get healthcare unless you are wealthy with unlimited resources to pay for your own healthcare. Otherwise, I'll just let you die if you get sick. And if you are already sick, then I will see to it that you are completely denied health insurance so that the insurance companies that grease my palms to protect them will be able to maximize their profits without any regard for human pain, suffering and death.

I will shut down the government just to prove that I am Ideologically Correct; thereby closing down important life saving services and resources across the country, interrupt the money that millions of Americans use to care for themselves and their families as a result of government employment, and endanger the lives of millions of men and woman who put their lives on the line serving in our military everyday to protect the United States of America.

I will continue to Practice, Preach and Promote Racism, Sexism and Hatred towards anyone who does not look, think, feel or act like me, or who does not have what I have. Because those who are not like me or don't have what I have, are a threat to me, my family and those like me.

I will continue to try and win elections not based on the value of my ideas and the policies that I implement as a result of those ideas to help all people of this country. Instead, I will continue to implement systematic, Illegal and Unconstitutional Programs that will inhibit certain Races and Classes of American Citizens from exercising their Civic Duty and Right to vote for the people who have their best interest at heart.

I will continue to try and destroy every Positive and Progressive Accomplishment that was created as a result of the Civil Rights Movement that helped millions of people who were not even considered to be people to be "Somewhat", "FREE" and "EQUAL". I want all of those accomplishments to disappear, starting with the most basic of rights to come out of this movement which is the right to vote for whomever you please.

I will continue to Disrespect, Dishonor, Dehumanize, and Invalidate the Office of the Presidency of the United States of America in ways that I never have in the entire history of the United States of America; because "This President" is BLACK, and should not be in a place called the "Whitehouse".

I will continue to HATE Immigrants, Woman, Gays, Blacks, Poor People, Sick People and all of the other people who live on this earth who are not worthy of sharing the air that I breath; because I am a "Preferred Creature" of GOD'S, and he loves me and created the earth for me because he hates everybody else except me.

I will also continue to protect and work for Koch Industries, BP Oil, Exxon Oil, Mobile Oil, Wall Street, Big Pharmaceutical Companies, Big Banks, Millionaires and Billionaires and all others who have Wealth, Power and Influence, because they can buy me and you can't.

All of these thing can be yours America, if you just vote for me in 2014 Locally, and in 2016 Nationally.

I hope that I have inspired you and motivated you with my vision for America, and I hope that you will respond by voting for me to protect your future, the future of your family, friends and community so that you can be the benefactor of all these wonderful things that I have planned for YOU;the People of the United States of America.

GOD Bless America and all of its Major Corporations and Wealthy People..........

And oh Yes! I almost forgot; thanks to all of the Uneducated, Ignorant, Hate Filled, Poor White People and the Black Traitors,(TOMS), that I enlist to help me carry out my evil plans.

Thank you so much for your participation.

I could not do this without you!


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