Saturday, August 17, 2013

Another "Conspiracy Theory" Becomes "Conspiracy Fact".

We talk about these things to convince People Who Are Asleep of the fact that Conspiracy is not a Theory, it is a fact created by Evil, Greedy and Selfish People who will say or do anything to protect whatever Evil Activities they have going on that benefits them while harming others.

Here's another one to add to your Knowledge Base:

Many employees at this location, (that does not exist), became very sick; and many died as a result of being forced to Illegally Burn Toxic Materials instead of Properly Disposing of them.

The employees and their families fought a very intense legal battle over this issue, but the Government won.

Area 51 Legal Battle.......

No Shit Sherlock! Another Conspiracy Theory Becomes Conspiracy Fact.

Area 51 Revealed as a Real Physical Location, (which most of us with common sense and awareness already knew), and its Highly Suspicious and Guarded Activities are Real.

Area 51 Is Real?


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