Saturday, July 6, 2013

What George Zimmerman's Defense Team Is Trying To Sell To Us

1. Trayvon Martin,in 2013, in the United States of America, had no right to confront and defend himself against a strange man following him in the dark in the rain on the way back from a 7/Eleven Store with an Arizona Iced Tea and a Pack of Skittles in his hands.

2. That Trayvon Martin had no right to be in the neighborhood where his father lived.

3. That Trayvon Martin turned to a man that he was trying to run and then walk fast to get away from, to attack him after this man's jacket raised up and exposed the fact that he was carrying a 9mm Pistol.

4. That George Zimmerman had absolutely no intentions of Bitterness, Hatred, Bigotry, Racism or intent on inflicting bodily harm upon Trayvon Martin because he did not know him.

Transcript Of George Zimmerman's Conversation with the 911 Operator, the night of Trayvon Martin's Murder.

You see! He did know exactly who Trayvon Martin was, what he was about and what his intentions were that night.

At least, he thought he did, based on his Racists Ideas of what every Young Black Male is.

5. That Trayvon Martin sit up after he was shot through the heart with a Hollow Point 9mm Bullet and said: "You Got Me"?

The Medical Examiner on the case says that Trayvon Martin was alive and suffering for one to ten minutes after being shot through the heart, and that he would not be able to move, or move very little during that time, and that Death from the injury was imminent.

The Medical Examiner's Testimony

6. That George Zimmerman who was not a COP, (but who wanted to be badly); did nothing wrong on the night of February 26, 2012, in Sanford, Florida when Trayvon Martin was shot and killed.

7. That because Trayvon Martin was a Typical Teenager with Typical Teenager Characteristics like Smoking Weed, Getting Into Fights, and Getting Kicked Out of School, Justified his Murder that night.

Check this: The police could not even link Trayvon Martin's Finger Prints to any Documented Criminal Activities-But they had George Zimmerman's Previous Criminal Activity on file, including some incidents that were violent in nature, but yet he was released after the shooting.

8. That he stopped following Trayvon Martin after the 911 Operator told him to.

9. That George Zimmerman regrets shooting Trayvon Martin in "Self-Defense" because he was in fear of his life.

Have you seen this guy's attitude regarding this incident in court?

Most of the time he is either shaking hands and smiling or not interested or half sleep

How much Empathy can you show towards the parents of their dead son, or Sympathy for the victim that you proved you hated and despised while on the phone with the 911 Operator, just moments before you killed him.

10. That the voice screaming for help was the voice a grown man who outweighed Trayvon Martin by at least 30lbs, went to school to become an official member of the Criminal Justice Industry, studied Mixed Martial Arts and above all else, was in possession of a 9mm firearm.

Note: The screaming stopped immediately after the gunshot was heard.

You know one thing that I have learned from Deep and Constant study of the mechanisms by which this country operates?

It's that Physical FREEDOM is indeed a Realty here in the Good Ole U.S.A. relative to some other countries around the world; but their are so many Systematic Programs in place to keep Average, Everyday People, (who do no research or study on their own, above and beyond that what they are told by the Government, Politicians and the Media, etc, etc, etc,),to think-that the majority of Americans don't and never will, use that FREEDOM to make this a Safer, Fairer and more Productive Country for all.

"The Powers That Be"-No! I'm not talking about the President, I'm talking about the people who give the President Orders have always and will always put programs in place to lull people to Distract, Dissuade and Immobilize those who are not Alert, Aware or an Active Participant in making this world a better place for ourselves, others and for the Generations that will follow us.

This Trayvon Martin Trial is a perfect example of this.

They are selling something to the people who can least afford to buy it.

That is all of the people who know a Trayvon Martin, Have a Trayvon Martin, or who Love A Trayvon Martin.

If this is you and you are asleep-Wake The Hell Up!

Don't be lulled to sleep by this trial.

Pay Attention To What Is Going On Here, because in the future, this could be you, or your Trayvon Martin gone without Justice.


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