Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Trying To Paint George Zimmerman As An Official Law Enforcement Officer.

Mark O'Mara

Don West

It's not enough that Zimmerman's Defense Team is trying to paint this Gun Ho, Neighborhood Hero, Mixed Martial Artist Student,Gun Toting Vigilante as a Fat Out of Shape Wimp, which was not his physicality the night of the shooting; but now they are also trying to fool the Jury and America into believing that he is an Official Law Enforcement Officer, which he also was not, the night of the Trayvon Martin Shooting.

Has anyone noticed how many Former and Current Law Enforcement Officials that George Zimmerman’s Defense Team is putting on the stand?

We’ve had a Federal Sky Marshal, An Officer who is a Deadly Force Training Specialist and a host of other Local, State and Federal Official Law Enforcement Personnel on the stand.

Have you also noticed that the defense’s case has completely erased the very beginning of the incidents that occurred prior to the shooting of Trayvon Martin that night?

On Point 1, the defense is (Very cleverly); trying to convince the jury and America that George Zimmerman was justified in getting out of his car after the 911 operator told him that “We don’t need you to do that”.

They are trying to present the illusion that George Zimmerman had a Legal Right to Pursue, Accost and Arrest,(or in this case), shoot Trayvon Martin in Self Defense as an Official Law Enforcement Officer of the State of Florida.

Their witnesses are testifying about what Law Enforcement Officials do in situations similar or identical to those faced by George Zimmerman that night.

These people are busy talking about keeping one round in the chamber, keeping an extra round in the magazine and, having guns without a safety on them to allow for immediate and deadly use of their firearms in the many life threatening situations that law enforcement officials face as a regular part of their jobs.

All of these measures are counter measures used by Law Enforcement Officials to safely and Effectively Enforce the Law.

The one thing that Mr. O’Mara and Mr. West are purposely failing to mention; and the thing that they are hoping that the Jury and Americans forget, is the indisputable fact that George Zimmerman is not; and was not an officer of the law with the same authority and training that the law enforcement officials are testifying about on the stand the night that he shot Trayvon Martin.

And I am not one to take anything away from anyone who deserves a compliment:

I must admit; they are very good at doing what they do and will succeed if they can lull the jury and America into a trance.

On Point 2: They are once again, (very cleverly), building their own Time Machine and speeding up the Timeline of Events that occurred that night to eliminate the fact from the Jury’s Minds and the Court of Public Opinions minds the fact that, if George Zimmerman had never gotten out of his vehicle to stalk a teenager that he had already profiled as an “Asshole who always gets away”, then in all probability, the police would have arrived at the scene, stopped and questioned Trayvon Martin and found out that he was in the neighborhood visiting with his father, and was on his way home from the 7/11 with his Arizona Iced Tea and a Pack of Skittles for his older brother who was home waiting for him to return, so they could continue playing video games.

SYBRINA FULTON and Tracy Martin would not be suffering, grieving and fighting to find justice for their murdered son.

And, George Zimmerman would not be on trial for his life as he is now.

The country would not be On Edge waiting for the verdict either.

So you see? Based on the Preponderance of Evidence that has been made public, we can plainly see that this whole Damn National Tragedy could have been avoided if George Zimmerman had not appointed himself Judge, Jury and Executioner on the night of February 26, 2012 in Sanford Florida.

And there are no amount of lies, deception or distractions that can change that in the minds of the people who have been paying attention to the events that led up to this national tragedy and the ones that are occurring now to try and erase it from the Collective Consciousness of America.


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