Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why Are Republicans Starting To Work With The President?

What’s The Reason behind the Republican’s Willingness to Talk to President Obama Now?


Do not be fooled by this apparent change of heart.

They are only doing this because you have left them no choice.

They are doing what YOU; The American People have made clear to them that you want them to do; twice.

Now I know that you may hear Republicans spreading the talking point, (lie), about President Obama not reaching out to them in the beginning and that they are so glad that he finally is coming around.

But this is not only a lie.

It is a Big Damn Lie!

Here are the facts …..

Before President Obama was sworn in, Republicans held a secret meeting the same night of his Inauguration as he danced with his wife. This meeting was attended by such Notable Republicans and Strategists as: iReps. Eric Cantor (Va.), Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), Paul Ryan (Wis.), Pete Sessions (Texas), Jeb Hensarling (Texas), Pete Hoekstra (Mich.) and Dan Lungren (Calif.), along with Republican Sens. Jim DeMint (S.C.), Jon Kyl (Ariz.), Tom Coburn (Okla.), John Ensign (Nev.) and Bob Corker (Tenn.). The non-lawmakers present included Newt Gingrich and Frank Luntz.

What was the reason for the meeting?

The meeting was to bring to fruition the mandate that was passed down by the then and now Leader of the Republican Party, Nationally Renowned Racist, Rush Limbaugh. In his January 16, 2009 radio show, he made it very clear that “I hope he fails”, referring to the newly elected President who had not even been sworn in yet. As I said, the Leader of the Republican Party put forth the orders from on high, and his subordinates began to carry them out. The first subordinate to publically take this ball and run with it was Kentucky, Republican Senator, Mitch McConnell-who followed right in Rush Limbaugh’s footsteps by publically stating that the Republican’s Number 1 Priority was to make “This President”,(they were so hateful and racists towards this man that they did not even dare speak his name), a “One Term President”.

How were they going to accomplish this?

By invalidating his presidency and disrespecting the person by not talking to him, not listening to him, not working with him, (even on things that Republicans normally approve of), and by not accepting any of his invitations to Republican Leaders to come and meet with him to discuss the issues that were and still are crucial to returning this country to a level of stability that will promote the safety, security and growth of this nation. They all came together with hate, racism and greed to deliberately sabotage any and everything that President Obama tried to accomplish, that would repair the severe damage done to this country by the previous administration, which they all want to make pretend did not happen. President Obama has been reaching out to “His Republican Friends” since day one, to the chagrin of many of us on the left who were appalled by his futile efforts to try and gain their cooperation and respect.

We watched in disgust as he tried to figure out what he needed to do to make these people work with him; when we knew that what he needed to do to get them to work with him was impossible to do-He had to be born White. Not only did he invite Republicans to the Whitehouse; he even went into enemy territory when he agreed to attend the Republican’s Retreat in Baltimore, MD, where the GOP Leaders apparently thought that he was Intellectually Inferior because he was a Black Man. However, President Obama showed them just how intellectually superior he really was, when he was able to rapidly and adequately respond to all of the verbal attacks that were really meant to discredit and invalidate his presidency.

That did not happen on that day, and it continues to not happen to this day.

The more they try to make this man look stupid, the more stupid they look.

So from this day forward, please remember the following facts when you hear the Republicans trying to blame President Obama for the mess that they have created through their futile attempts to destroy the First African American President in U.S. History.

1. Boehner, Republicans frequent no-shows at W.H.

By GLENN THRUSH | 1/14/13 3:43 PM EST

2. Speaker Boehner Declines Third Straight Obama State Dinner Annie Groer Co

3. Boehner Cool to Obama’s Invitations By Jennifer Bendery Roll Call Staff Jan. 24, 2011, Midnight

4. WHO is Antisocial? GOP Skipped 'Lincoln' Screening, Dinner Invites From President The president found himself on the defensive about mixing outside his social circle, but the record says Republican leaders spurned his invitations repeatedly.

Do you see where I am going with this?

The essence of this message is that the Republican’s Solution to everything, is to lie to the American People about everything.

Yes! There are a certain number of Low Information Voters who Republicans know they can sell these lies to, who for whatever reason will accept their lies with itching ears and standby and wait for further instructions during an election cycle.

But as it stands, in America now, these are but a few people on “The Right” who do not live in the United States of America as it is now; they live in the United State of America as it used to be or how they wish it would be.

My job as a communicator is to make sure that these people remain few in number.

Don’t be like” those people”……

Do what is best for yourself, your family, your community, and the country as a whole.

Check the facts!

So once again, Republicans have decided that lying to the American People about an issue is more effective than telling the truth and doing the necessary work to fix things.

But the fact of the matter is: Republicans never intended to work with President Obama in any shape, form or fashion, no more than White Baseball Players wanted to play baseball with Jackie Robinson in the beginning.

So you need to know just how powerful you are.

Because the only reason that they are trying to work with President Obama now, is because YOU, left them no choice.

And I’ll leave you with this: As long as President Obama continues to have the best interest of the American People; (all of the American People), in his heart; you should continue to insist that they work with him for the benefit of the country.


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