Thursday, March 14, 2013

Criminals, Posing, As, Citizens-CPAC

Add to the list above such notible Self-Haters as Allen West who wanted smaller government and got it when the voters in his district made it smaller by not reelecting him; and Dondald Trump,the Supreme Wizard of Birtherism, and a host of Hateful Others.

The list is growing as we speak.

After the Massive Defeat of the Republican Party Agenda during the 2012 Elections, the Republican Party/Conservative Movement/Teaparty or whatever else they are calling themselves this moment, startd to reflect on their mistakes while licking their wounds, and began to shout out loudly about the need for an Extensive Makeover in the way that they relate to American Voters.

However, Me, being the Eternal Pessimist that I am when it comes to Conservatism in America, (especially the Conservatism that came into being after the election of the First African American President), I publically stated that I have very little faith in these people's ability to change who they are and what they do.

And apparently I was right!

Today begins the Conservative Political Action Committee known as CPAC, or as I like to refer to this Twisted Sadistic Party:





And judging from the list of speakers for this year's CPAC Event, I have to say now as I said then:

"What Republican Makeover?"

These are the same Idiotic, Hateful, Greedy, Lying, Decietful, Ignorant, Selfish and Unempathetic Racists that caused the 2012 losses that they experienced, and all of the losses that they have experienced prior to 2012.

So I say to you once again:

Do Not Be Deceived By Superficial Republican Makeovers.

Real Positive Change Is Skin Deep........

G.R.C. There's No Recession For The Poor

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