Tuesday, August 21, 2012

On Sunday, August 19, 2012, Missouri, REPUBLICAN, Senate candidate, Todd Akin threw science, logic and humanity out the window during an interview in which he stated that “Legitimate Rape”, rarely leads to pregnancy. He is one of many Republican “Right to Lifers” who believe that if a woman is raped by her father or another male family member, a criminal, a date or anyone else; abortion is not an option. Many of these people oppose abortion even if a woman’s life is endangered by a pregnancy that could possibly cause the woman to die. So I guess a woman who might die because of her pregnancy does not have a “Right to Life”. Hugh? What sane human being would voluntarily kill an unborn child for no reason? Not anyone that I know or associate with. But in this world of ours which can sometimes be a very cold, ugly and heartless place, sometimes drastic situations occur that sometimes require drastic measures. Abortion like murder is one of them. Now do you remember the false outrage that occurred last week as a result of Joe Biden’s “Chains” Comment? Well! Here we go again. All of a sudden, the very same people who have been fighting against a woman’s right to choose, birth control, a woman’s right to be a single parent, a woman’s right to earn the same amount of money as a man for the same work, and those who advocate for birth control by putting an aspirin between the knees, calling woman who want birth control to remain a part of their healthcare a “Slut” and those attempting forced rape by means of mandatory Vaginal Probes before a woman can be granted permission to have an abortion and so many other inhumane, selfish idiotic antiquated and prehistoric ideas that demonstrate a desire to control woman, as opposed to loving and protecting them are now pretending to be outraged by the comments made by Todd Akin. People like Mitt Romney who said of Rush Limbaugh’s comment referring to Sandra Fluke as a “Slut” that he would have used other words to describe her-Not that what Limbaugh said was wrong, but that he would have called her something else negative other than “Slut”. And his VP Running Mate Paul Ryan, (has passed so much Anti Woman Legislation as a senator), that it amazes me that any woman in her right mind, would agree to be his wife. In 2010 the Republicans fooled their constituents by promising that they were going to work on nothing but “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs” Instead; in the Republican House, the first order of business was to open up a class session to read something that all of them were already supposed to be familiar with-The Constitution. After all they had to swear to protect it against all enemies foreign and domestic, in order to accept the job. So instead of “ jobs, jobs, jobs”, this exercise in futility set the tone and the pace for all of the foolish non productivity that has taken place for the past 3-1/2 years. This includes over 96 bills sponsored by Republicans that were designed to take away the many rights of woman that so many people have suffered, fought and died for; in addition to the rights of certain groups of people to even participate in our Democracy by denying them the right to even vote. And they are always in lock step with each other, (which is something that the Democrats need to learn from them). So everything that I just mentioned about the things that they have been doing for the past 3-1/2 years has been almost 100% supported by each and every individual who now, (because they see their political lives flashing before their eyes), are trying to act like they are not just as ridiculous, if not more so, than the dumb ass statements that Akin made about woman’s bodies knowing how to not get pregnant if they are “Raped Legitimately”. As a matter of fact, Paul Ryan has sponsored bills to define an embryo that does not even have a heart beat yet as a person; in his quest to force his religious beliefs on every woman in the entire country. He also has sponsored bills along with other Republicans that seek to redefine rape in order to decriminalize the act of rape by making only “Forcible Rape” a crime. Correct me if I’m wrong, but as far back as I can remember, I have always been taught that all rape is forced and should be something that I as a human being and a man, should never do to a woman. Don’t be fooled! These hypocrites are not attacking Akin because they have had a change of heart, seen the light, or recognized the error of their ways, They don’t do anything to help anyone else. Remember, they are all “Individualist” who only do what is necessary for them to survive and prosper. They are attacking Akin because their “Great White Hopes”, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are deeply connected to these same kinds of beliefs and practices, (as is the entire Republican Party). And the paper trails of their legislative practices can be easily traced and proven. They are attacking Akin because he was stupid enough, (as so many Republicans have been before him), to slip up and say the things that the others are actually thinking. And he said it without the usual “Hocus Pocus” that Republicans use to deceive and sway the Racist, Sexist, Classists idiots who follow them. Akin is a scapegoat. The only reason that we are currently witnessing another episode of false outrage from Republicans is simply because; they cannot win without the female vote. And now, just like John McCain insulted the intelligence of woman in 2008 by trying to pass Sarah Palin off as a Republican Version of Hillary Clinton; So too, are they now trying to pass themselves off as a political party that wants progress and forward movement for everyone, including woman. Don’t be fooled by this. Just look up the legislation that they have passed or attempted to pass over the last 3-1/2 years, and then vote accordingly this November. http://www.guttmacher.org/statecenter/updates/2011/statetrends12011.html Source: The Guttmacher Institute If you are not a “White Male” who is rich and or powerful, or a Black Male who has sold out and drank their poison Kool-Aid, then your best interests are not and will never be a major concern for them. Pay Close Attention Woman!

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