Saturday, August 18, 2012

Joe Biden Tells The Truth On Tuesday, 08/14/2012

"Gonna Put Y' all Back In Chains" This past Tuesday, Vice President, Joe Biden was in Virginia speaking to an audience of mostly African Americans. His statements about the GOP putting people back in chains caused so much false outrage from a political party that has preached nothing but hatred, division, racism and lies since President Obama was (Legally Elected) in 2008, that if it was not so volatile and dangerous, it would actually be quite humorous. The GOP has, (with impunity), dehumanized poor people, sick people, immigrants, woman, gay soldiers and anybody else in America who does not fit their very restrictive definition of what "True Americans" are. Not only have they attacked certain groups of American Citizens; but they have also been on Constant Racist's Attacks against The Most Powerful Office In The World: The Presidency of the United States of America. Never before in the history of our country, have we witnessed such disrespect, hatred and disregard for the office of president. And it causes one to ask the question "Why?" What events corresponded with these drastic changes in the way that certain groups of ignorant, hateful and unread groups view the office of the president of the United States? I'm guessing that this blog will not reach the politically inactive, uninformed or apathetic, so I won't even answer that question, because if you are reading this, you already know the answer. One thing that I know about racism and the racists who practice it is the fact that; (in most cases), they are not very open about their true feelings about the people they hate. They always sugar coat the truth with euphemisms and lies to take attention away from what really goes on inside them. And when challenged by the truth, they become outraged, (either genuine or phony), like the latest outrage from The Romney Campaign. So here's the truth: keeping in mind that there are exceptions to every rule, even in a group of people who have historically hated people who are different then they are, you will find some people, (not very many), who do not want to be a part of such irrational, illogical and hateful behavior. The truth is the Republican Party as a whole, would like nothing more than seeing Black People, Woman, Sick People, Poor People, Immigrants, Gay People and all others who are not Rich, Powerful or Compliant with their Principals, Views or their Hateful Actions in chains, at the very least, and none existent on the face of the earth at the extreme. So I know what you’re saying at this point: Well! "There are quite a few Black Republicans also". Right? Let me explain, and then I'm out. The White Republicans all want to return to the times when they were Slave Masters-And the Black Republicans all want to return to the times when they were Slaves. So you see! They complement each other; and that it why they are together. But I thank GOD for the fact that there are not many Black People who want to go back to that-only a few idiots. This is why you will never see more than 1 or 2 standing behind these Racist's at a campaign rally. I don't want to be put back in chains. How about you? If you don't want to be put back in chains or you want to discourage the efforts of those who want you to be in chains, vote for Obama/Biden this November, so that we as a nation with all kinds of people can keep moving forward and not backwards. Thank you Joe Biden for speaking a truth in one context that can definitely apply in another. G.R.C.

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