Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McCain Shows Propensity Towards Hypocrisy And Stupidity

Ladies and Gentlemen:

I offer you empirical proof once again of the Republican Party’s leaning towards irrational, impractical, dangerous, and ineffective management of this country.

It is one thing to be a so called Maverick because you are willing to break the mold to make something better that needs to be made better. But, to actually put your foot in your mouth, and this country in danger by doing something that you have been harping about someone else doing, since you became the Republican Party’s Nominee, shows once again, that the Republican Party will say and do anything to win this election, and to maintain their power, so that they will be in a position to broker more crooked business deals, conquer the world at the expense of the American People, and continue to cause the lost of many more innocent lives by misdirecting anger, supplies, money, equipment, and manpower, fighting imaginary enemies, while allowing real enemies to literally, get away with murder.

In addition, he thinks that Genuine Hillary Clinton supporters are so stupid, that they will not recognize a futile attempt to replace her with just any white female that he could find.

This man has been highlighting the so-called lack of experience of Barack Obama since he entered into the race to become president. And now, because he needed a shallow, fake ass imitation of Hillary Clinton to use to fool the American People with, he has actually went out and found a woman who is not only inexperienced but who is under investigation for improprieties while in office, as she is charged with using her office to satisfy a personal grudge.

Apparently Governor Palin fired Walt Monegan, her Director of Public Works, for not firing an Alaska State Trooper who was involved in a messy divorce with her sister.

The legislative Council has approved funds totaling $100,000 dollars for this investigation. And of course, Sarah Palin maintains that she has done nothing wrong.

Well! At least she is in the right party. The republicans have been doing wrong and proclaiming their innocence for 8 years now.

Because you have heard, and will hear, and continue to hear, as long as there are idiots who are willing to listen, that everything has been fine under the Bush Administration.

There have been no errors in judgment, no errors in fiscal management, no errors in diplomacy, no errors in heeding the warning of intelligence reports, (911), and no errors in the fact that we sent over 50,000 American Troops to their deaths, and continue to keep them in Iraq, to capture, and or kill a terrorist leader who proudly claimed credit for the attack on the Twin Towers in New York City, and who pretty much belittles and insults the intelligence of the US government at will, whenever he wishes too.

By the way, in spite of all that I mentioned, we are still well respected in the world community, according to The Republican Party. This is another denial of the truth by the Republicans.

And now we have a presidential candidate who is 72 years old with a history of severe medical problems, who just hired a 44 year old female who swore that she would not take the job if asked not even 3 weeks ago, who is under investigation by the state of Alaska, which she is governor of, appears to be a right wing gun freak, (which somehow smells of), white survivalist, which is just the opposite of what they accused Obama of being, a woman who opposes a woman’s right to choose an abortion if she wants one, even if a woman’s uncle or father, or a criminal rapes her, she still does not want woman to have the right to obtain an abortion, she was 2nd. Runner up for Ms. Alaska, which probably meant that there are some nude pictures somewhere that may surface, who used her office and her power to satisfy a personal grudge that she has against her Ex Brother In law, her Public Service Commissioner, and the State Trooper that he refused to fire for her, and now the Republicans are trying to make family values disappear by trying to down play the out of wedlock pregnancy of Governor Palin’s teenage daughter.

Now after many months of attacking Michelle Obama and questioning her patriotism, and attacking Barack Obama on his lack experience, and the American People from their holier then thou Family Values Platform, the Republicans now hope that they will be able to convince the American People that the issues that this new VP candidate brings with her to the political table are not issues of concern at all.

And in spite of the fact that they launched a full attack on Obama’s wife and kids, painting them all as weirdoes, terrorist, and imbeciles, they are now trying to tell us that the family is off limits.

I don’t think so.

It is hypocritical for people to bash other people when it is to their advantage, and then ask the victims of that bashing to make nice when they have similar situations like the ones that they were bashing the others for.

If family values is such an important part of the Conservative Republican’s agenda, then having a woman with an out of wedlock teenage daughter who is pregnant on the ticket, is not a good example of this.

And to show you how good McCain’s judgment is; he knew about the pregnancy in advance of making his choice for his VP Running Mate. As a matter of fact, they deliberately used a baby to cover up the stomach of the teenage daughter during the announcement.

And only said that we are going to tell the truth about it, when the truth came out.

So how long were you going to wait to unveil this little bundle of joy to the American People?

I think that if this story had not leaked, you would have not revealed it.

If you are going to lie about this, what else are you lying about, and what else are you willing to lie about?

Is this what the fools who vote for this ticket are trying to inflict upon the rest of us who know better then to vote for 4 more years of lies.

Are sure that this shows good judgment?

And guess what is really scary?

She will have access to the nuclear codes, and the button, if McCain kicks off.

Let’s hope that her sister never gets married again.

Palin might kill us all to get back at him if the marriage does not work out.

And one more thing that is even scarier then all that I mentioned above, is the fact that John McCain will try and sell himself and this VP to the many fools in this country who for whatever reason, will still not admit to the world and to themselves, that the team of Obama & Biden, is the team that we need to move our country forward.

We need to stop holding on to dumb ass traditions, methodologies, Ideologies, and practices that do not serve us well in this ever changing world, that features new problems, a new economy, new forms of evil, and a new type of warfare.

We also need a team who can recognize and seize new opportunities for a better country, and a better world.

John McCain and Sarah Palin are going to continue to try and convince you to choose their experience and their race over that of Barack Obama, and Joe Biden.

I can tell you one thing, you are right about, we don’t know what Barack Obama is capable of achieving, but we do know for a fact the things that the party that you represent John has not been able to achieve over the past years, and that is unity, peace, strength, and prosperity for our nation.

These failures will convince the clear in mind, and the pure of heart, of the fact that your shallow attempt at hiring another robotic insincere automaton to assist you in your quest for the Whitehouse will not benefit the people of this country. It will just continue to benefit George Bush, and the Republican Party, to continue doing what it has been doing for the last 8 years, and that is to run this country and it’s people into the ground.

We cannot afford 4 or 8 more years of McCain and or Palin, in whatever sequence that it may occur in.

Don’t fall for this political posturing, stand up for the changes (for the better) that we as Americans need.

It is not a matter of being able to do what you have been doing for a long time that does not work.

It is not a matter of the color of a qualified candidate’s skin.

And it is not a matter of Party Politics.

This election is a matter of life and death.

Vote for the right one, not the white one.

Barack Obama & Joe Biden for America.

John McCain! This Songs For You.

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