Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Latest Terror Threat From The McCain Campaign

The latest threat to national security, (according to the McCain Campaign), is the statement made by Barack Obama where he makes reference to putting lipstick on a pig.

Because the McCain Campaign cannot address or acknowledge the leader of their party: George W. Bush, or the performance of their party over the last 8 years, they must find something to arouse the American People into a frenzy about.

By doing so, they think that they can make the majority of Americans, (who do benefit from social programs that were created by the vicious anti-American criminals known as liberals), not pay attention or forget what they have seen, heard and experienced as a result of the Republicans Party’s incompetence and negligence.

So even though Barack Obama has been under vicious attacks, first from his Democratic adversary Hillary Clinton, and now from the plastic people known as the McCain/Palin Team, or should I say the Palin/McCain Team. You be the judge.

But anyway! This team has now accused Obama of making this statement in reference to Sarah Palin.

However, this statement is not a Barack Obama original.

This is a cliché that is used in politics, sports, business, and in general conversation.

As a matter of fact, John McCain used the same statement in May of 2007, when referring to Hillary Clinton’s Health Care Plan. And now, he wants an apology from Barack Obama, because he used it in one of his speeches while referring to the McCain/Palin/Bush/Cheney Policies.

However, the McCain Campaign who has attacked Barack Obama repeatedly is now crying foul, boo hoo- because they say that his remarks were being directed to Sarah Palin.

Personally, I truly believe that Obama is a far more sincere person then John McCain and Sarah Palin put together, so I believe him when he says that he was using the term to refer to their policies, and not as a personal attack.

However, just because Senator Obama has been a gentleman and consummate professional at all times, even when he has been under vicious attacks; we as Obama supporters are not going to turn against our candidate for attacking back when under attack.

So to the McCain Campaign, and to the barracuda, pit bull with lipstick, or what ever the hell they are referring to her as today:

Cut the crap!

You have nothing else of substance to stand on for your party, your campaign, or your Vice Presidential Pick. So you continue to try and divert the people’s attention away from your shortcomings, to an assault on Barack Obama’s character.

Check this out.

That shit is only working with the people who have bought into the bullshit that you have been selling.

Those of us, who are true Obama Supporters, because we have been listening to him as opposed to just looking at his skin tone, will not be moved.

So you would be better off making this campaign about the issues and not about personalities, as your campaign management has tried to do.

Stick to the issues at hand, and some of the American People might at least listen to you.

“Like Putting Lipstick On A Pig”

“Like Putting Lipstick On A Pig”

Greg Coleman

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