Saturday, July 14, 2018

AMERICA-Trump Already Told You That He Was Working With Russia.......

But too many people with the power to do something about it in Government, Media and the Legal Community didn't listen. And his Cult Members, (which includes far too many members of Congress), refused to listen no matter what, because he has taught them to only listen to him to the exclusion of all obvious signs of truth that lay right before their eyes.

It's also important to note: that many Republicans for purposes of Personal Gain and Holding on to Power at any costs, know the truth, but have made a conscious decision to protect and defend Trump as opposed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies foreign and domestic-Which can legally be defined as TREASON.

Source: euronews (in English) Published on Jul 27, 2016

We had 12 more indictments yesterday of Russia Hackers who hacked into the DNC Servers, John Podesta's Emails and even into some of our Voter Precincts and the Actual Machines there the morning after Trump asked them to.

Now of course, there are many Trumpites who will proclaim that Trump was just joking.

Well, to that I say: Espionage is not a joke. The safety and security of the American People is not a joke. And for a President of the United States to even joke about something like that, is totally inappropriate and did and should continue to be met with suspicion and in depth investigations.

Which is exactly what Mr. Muller is and should continue to do until Trump and his Administration are either found innocent without any reasonable doubt or criminally prosecuted for TREASON against the United States of America.

And to the Hypocritical Assholes in the Republican Party who say, "There has been no evidence of "collusion" so it is time to bring this investigation to a close".

May I remind you that these very same people are still investigating Benghazi and Hillary Clinton's Emails to this day-long after it was determined by the same security agencies who are investigating Trump for TREASON that she was not guilty of anything criminal in either case?

Now you may be asking what can little ole me do?

Truthfully! Alone you and I cannot do anything.

But just like every great victory that oppressed people in America have achieved-we can do great things together that benefit us all as Americans.


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