Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Why So Many Lies From So Many People Who Are Innocent?


Because they are only where they are due to their own Self Interests-Not ours.......... In addition, people who have had everything that they ever wanted handed to them on a Silver Platter served with a Silver Spoon believe that they are Above the Law, Invincible and are not held to the same standards in life that the rest of us are, (even previous presidents), who have gotten into serious trouble for doing much less than these Hateful Idiots have and continue to do.

Unfortunately, our Institutions have been very slow and inadequate in dealing with this Criminal Enterprise that a Small Slither of the American Voters allowed to be elected to this job.

And the only solution to the problem is for the rest of us to continue to apply excessive pressure to our Political Representatives and the Institutions that have failed us in protecting our Democracy during the 2016 Elections, with Confirmed Massive Assistance from Russia; which makes all of the things they joined Russia in doing including Collusion, Espionage and Treason.

And it is up to us to see that all of them, (everybody in the Trump Administration),is removed and punished for all the Bold Face Lies they told and are telling the American People, all the scams, all the Violations of the Constitution and all of their Criminal acts.

And even thought Mike Pence is trying to become president by making pretend that he did not Lie For or Assist Donald Trump in anyway with these Criminal Acts-We know that this is a Damn Lie as well.

Pence is a part of this Criminal Enterprise as well and should also never be allowed to be president.

He needs to be removed from office and prosecuted as well.

So stop trying to hide.

Your participation is now a matter of Public Record.

We have to stop this!

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

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