Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Republicans Have Turned Their Backs On America

If you believe that the Republican Party is not committing Treason Against America, then don't waste your time reading this.

This is a very dangerous time in America.

For the first time in my lifetime, a Political Party is throwing America under the bus in favor of a Corrupt, Criminal, Invalid, Treasonous Russian Spy by the name of Donald Trump, who just happens to be President of the United States of America

This is the evilest incarnation of the Republican Party that I have ever seen.

They are doing nothing to help Average or Poor American Citizens, (even the ones who voted for them), and they are actually excited about hurting as many people as possible in this country if they are not Rich, Powerful or Well Connected.

As far back as I can remember, when it came to the safety and security of America and the Common Goal of Protecting The American People, there was no party.

"Politics ended at the water's edge."

Whenever we were under attack or facing the threat of being attacked by a Hostile Nation, (which Russia has always been), since as a child in school we had to practice hiding under our desks in case of a Nuclear Attack on America by Russia, and there were Radioactive Fallout Shelters all over the country where we had to practice and drill knowing where they were at, once again, just in case of an attack by America's most dangerous enemy-Russia.

It did not matter rather you were a Republican or Democrat.

When it came to protecting our country, everybody worked together towards that Common Goal.

However; now! Republicans have a total disregard for the Health, Safety and Welfare of The American People, and are doing any and everything to protect a Criminal President, as long as they can benefit politically.

I say all of that to say this: It is now 2017 and next year we have a very important election coming up that I hope you will give your complete attention and action to so that we can take back the House and the Senate.

2 years after that, there will be another very important election to choose a President.

I also hope that you will participate fully in our Democracy by Organizing and Educating one another about taking action and making the best choices that benefit the majority of Americans-Not just the Rich, Powerful and Well Connected.

It is my prayer that Donald Trump will be in prison for Treason way before the 2020 Presidential Election.

However, no matter what happens before 2018 and 2020, I am begging everyone who reads this to please get together and plan and strategize about ways that we can remove all of the Criminals and Russian Spies from the Whitehouse and restore it to the normal level of insanity that we are used to coming from politicians.

What's happening now is not normal, honest or safe for the American People.

Please know this and start now to be ready to put an end to this Treason by Republicans once and for all.

Because if we do not!

America will become worst than it ever has been in history, which is already in progress.

Please help save America now!

We have to stop this!

Remember Republican's Evil Deeds and act accordingly to crush them starting now, in 2018 and in 2020.

Click Here Now To Join The Movement.

Unite To Destroy The Trump Administration Before They Destroy Us.

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