Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The Magic Tricks of Donald Trump & His Elitist, Crooked, Racist, Lying Administration

Donald Trump is not as stupid as he looks.

He is a Master Illusionist.

His latest trick once again, involves slight of hand by throwing another crooked associate under the bus so that America won't recognize the Crooked, Con Artist and Russian Operative that he is.

Of course he's not the only one.

But if Rudy Giuliani, Chris Christie and now Michael Flynn are any indication of how Trump puts shields in front of himself from so called "Loyalists" to protect his own Criminal and Treasonous Ass from being caught, then I think the rest of these crooks better start paying attention, as well as the American People.

And, in case these Pawns have not caught on yet; Donald Trump is definitely not loyal to them or any of the many other Dominos that are going to fall big time, (or should I say "Bigley"?), as more and more information about Russia's Involvement in the November, 2016 Elections begins to surface.

While all of his Crooked Underlings are finally starting to get attention from the Investigative Bodies of our Government, (Except for Republicans like Jason Chaffetz who is now making excuses as to why he is not going to launch an official investigation into The Trump Administration's Connection to Russia; as well as denials by Lyin Paul Ryan-Donald Trump is getting away with MURDER, (Probably Literally), and no one is going to do a damn thing about it in the Republican Party.

We've got Jason Chaffetz whose own constituency from his home state had to scream and shout at him; telling him to "Do Your Job", and yet he has no plans to investigate Donald Trump and his Band of Thieves, Liars, Con Men and Women (Kellyanne); Spies and Racists.

This is the same man who rode Hillary Clinton through Benghazi, the Clinton Foundation and her Emails.

He even threatened to spend millions of tax payer's dollars to launch Continuous Investigations into everything that Hillary Clinton was being accused of by Republicans and their followers, if she was elected to be President.

He's the one who made the letter from FBI Director, James Comey's Letter Public, 2 weeks before the election, after Donald Trump publically expressed hid displeasure of how ineffective the FBI and James Comey was at bring Hillary Clinton down.

And Lyin Ryan and Jason Chaffetz was part of the Lynch Mob that wanted to Crucify Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. And they ran this Con in perpetuity; before, during and after the elections.

And do you know what Lyin Ryan's response to the mission in Yemen launched by Trump's Administration, (you know the one that Sean Spicer said was a success; in spite of the fact that nine children and 1 Navy Seal died was?

Something to the effect of: Well these things happen in a war zone and cannot always be controlled by us here in America. And the people who take part in these raids know the risks that are involved before they agree to participate.

Well I'll Be Damned!

Seems to me that this is the exact thing that we have been saying about the unfortunate deaths in Benghazi since this horrific incident took place.

But No!

Republicans wanted to attack Hillary for going to the bathroom, going to sleep, not being perfect and deliberately putting the people at this compound at risk on purpose.

America! Do you see the Bullshit yet?

Open your eyes to the fact that All Politicians are Liars and do Crooked Shit, because we as Human Beings are all Liars and do Crooked Shit. Because that is, (like it or not), Human Nature.

But Republicans are the worst when it comes to Breaking the Law, Lying to Cover, Stealing from Poor and Middle Class People and just plain being Evil.

And don't get me started on their proclivity to be Racists.

We Democrats have all of these things going on too.

But Damn! It seems like the people with all of these Negative Qualities seem to all congregate and feel very safe at home in the Republican Party.

Just do a quick study of the Modern Republican Party, (Reagan to Trump), and you will see that what I am telling you is absolutely, 100% TRUE.

Look at their current president!

In life, you are judged by the company you keep.

So, I say all of that to say this: The dominos are beginning to fall now, and they will continue to fall as a result of the Illegal Election of Donald Trump Aided By Russian Espionage, which Trump himself asked for in public, on TV, on more than one occasion when he requested that the Russians escalate their hacking of Hillary Clinton's Emails.

So in a nutshell, here is why "We The People" and not Republicans are going to have to get together to put this Administration out of business once and for all.

It's because no one is going to want to expose or indict the very forces that helped them steal the election.

They Won!

Do you think they are going to give that victory back to the Rightful Owners - Hillary Clinton and the Democrats?

Hell No!

Power concedes nothing without a fight.

If we are going to restore some Socially Acceptable Level of Law and Order, Justice, Freedom and Equality for All Americans and not just the Few Rich Criminals that Trump has recruited to conquer the world; then We are going to have to take it back.

How do we do that?

We have to see to it that the "Biggest Domino Of All Falls".

The Biggest Domino Of Them All

Impeach Donald Trump & Arrest Him & His Band of Racists, Liars and Thieves Now!

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G.R.C. Get Up! Get Busy! Get Involved.......

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