Tuesday, April 19, 2016

What Outsiders Running For President Need To Know In Summary

There are no Perfect Politicians, because there are no Perfect People.

All we as voters can do is choose the best person that we think will do the most good for the most people.

First of all, I am not saying that all of these rules are perfect or fair, or that they should not be reviewed for improvement to benefit all voters-I'm just saying that the rules were in place before you ran for president, and if you plan to run for the most powerful office in the world, it would probably be helpful if you know the rules of the game before you decide to play.

Second: If you want to present yourself as an "Outsider" and you think that you can continue to run a free campaign by calling into all of the Right wing Radio Shows everyday in America and get free media coverage from them or by constantly launching Stupid Twitter Wars against people without running a Standard Insider Political Campaign, then you are sadly mistaken.

Politics is a Complicated and Dirty Game and it takes insiders who know how to play it to increase the odds of running a successful campaign.

So if you pay attention, you will see that many of those who excited and deceived many people by running as "Outsiders" are now running as "Insiders".

However, if you are not paying attention,(which is what most politicians count on), they will slip this by you, because by nature, most Professional Politicians are Professional Liars.

Next-If you don't know the rules for the office that you are running for, then you are incapable of relaying this information to your supporters which could produce an unnecessary defeat for you.

Example: If you plan to have your children vote for you for president, than you need to know beforehand about the deadlines in your state for them to register to vote.

I'm just saying, that little minor details like this are nothing compared to the major details that you are going to have to deal with as president, (including answering tough questions).

It is also important to note that: in most, (if not all states), Independents cannot vote during a Primary Election.

This is common knowledge among informed voters who have voted before in previous elections.

The "Electoral College" Has Been In Existence since 1776.

The "Super Delegate" System Has Been In Place Since 1968".

So, in America, until that changes, we vote for the people who vote for the president.

Finally! And most importantly-In America; all changes have been Incremental.

As a matter of fact, after 230 + years we still have human beings that are not considered to be human beings and therefore, are not treated equally as far as Fairness, Justice or Opportunities are concerned.

So even though I and many people in this country want everything to get better right now, (especially those who are still not being treated fairly as American Citizens); the fact of the matter is that there is only one method that has brought about changes that were Immediate instead of Incremental, and that is by spilling hundreds or thousands of gallons of human blood, which results in the lost of hundreds or thousands of human lives.

Otherwise; all change in America is Incremental.

So don't be fooled!

Be very careful to not try and get it all and then lose everything.

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