Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Does It Really Matter How Many Times You Repeat The Same Lies?

Marco Rubio's Opponents are attacking Rubio for repeating the same lie about President Obama at Saturday Night's Republican Debate, which is training you, (their followers), to attack Marco Rubio as well.

Even though they have singled out Rubio for attack because they are seeking Political Advantage, I hope that all of you who are following these candidates know that all politicians lie, (because their all only human).

But let me warn you if you don't already know_The Republican Party as a whole, will say or do anything to anyone just to win, which means they have no principals morals or values, (you know the ones that they always accuse everyone else of not having)?

All you are going to hear during this election cycle are lies; not because lying is good, but because they want to win at all and any costs.

You will hear that "This President", "This Administration" has destroyed this country and if you allow Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders to win, then they will continue to destroy this country.

However, you need to know that if people are willing to lie to the people who are supporting them before they get into office, then you can be pretty damn sure that they are going to continue lying to you to remain in office.

But just for your benefit Republican Followers, here are some Graphical Facts that your leaders will never tell you:

Jobs Under President Obama

Another lie that you will hear repeated is that the Economy went down under President Obama and that Corporation are suffering.

This is absolutely untrue.

Corporate Profits Under President Obama

Another Popular Lie among the Right wing Conservative Movement in America is that we need a president who can bring people together and who can work with Congress to get great things done for our nation.

Fact: President Obama came to Washington, DC to bring people together and to bring about Positive "Hope", "Change" and Bipartisanship between Republicans and Democrats.

But the lie is that President Obama didn't want to work with Congress to get great things done for the country.

The fact of the matter is: that Congress did not want to work with President Obama, because they did not want to give credit to the First African American President of being successful at pulling this country out of the disaster that the Bush Administration left for him to fix.

And he did, through executive actions which Republicans claim was Unconstitutional, (which has not been validated by the Justice System of America), neither has he been impeached as a result, which has been a consistent lie with no further action on the matter thus far.

It was just designed to make you think that this president was unjust, illegal, immoral and evil.

But the fact of the matter is, it wasn't President Obama who did not want to work with Congress.

It was Congress who didn't want to work with the First African American President who slowed our Government and then finally shut it down twice.

And this mandate came from Rush Limbaugh, (the head of the Right wing Conservative Movement in America). "I hope he fails".

And then leaders in the Republican Party immediately adopted this as their primary goal.

Most notably Mitch McConnell who said: "Our main goal is to make this president a One Term President."

Just look at how the Filibuster was used as a method of sabotage against the president in Congress after 2008.

And as far as Immigration is concerned and protecting our borders: President Obama hired more Border Patrol Personnel and added more Technological Advances to slow the flow of people crossing our borders illegally. My GOD! how do you think his nickname has become "Deporter In Chief"?

So this too is a lie.

Deportations Under President Obama

So the lies about President Obama not caring about who he lets into this country is just another one of the lies that Republicans call "The Big Lie", because they know that if they, (like Marco Rubio), repeat it enough times, then you will accept it as being "TRUE" without even considering doing your own research of the facts.

And that is because Republicans and Conservatives are not really interested in the Truth or Facts.

Republicans and Conservative are interested in Anger, Hatred and Division.

So to the few of you who are not "Typical Conservatives" or "Typical Republicans", or a First Time Voter- consider the fact that people who will lie to you; the people who support them, will continue to lie to gain power, and will do even more evil things to keep that power-including not following through on the Comic Book Promises that they make to you, which no politician, Republican or Democrat can do without the cooperation and support of the other Branches of Government and the American People.

Now their are lies and then their are Very Dangerous Lies

And they know that you'll take their word for everything and that is why they continue to tell you Very Dangerous lies.

So if you really love America instead of hating certain people, (in other words if you have a conscious and a heart), consider voting Democrat this time.

Yes! They tell lies too, because their human.

But for the most part, they tell lies that Average Human Beings tell to protect themselves when they are faced with difficult personal problems.

But Republicans and other Conservatives tell lies that are Demonic,(especially when they hypocritically Invoke GOD in their lies), to stir your emotions to keep you blind to the Truth and to the Facts. .

So which is the lesser of 2 evils?

If you're evil too, I guess it really doesn't matter, because you have been Voluntarily Programmed to accept an Alternate Reality.

But if you are still capable of thinking for yourself, give Research a try to seek out and find the TRUTH about what is best for the country as a whole.

And face the reality of America that no one Race, Sex or Economic Class can succeed in America while leaving all others behind.

This is what Republicans are all about, and it ain't gonna happen.

It's your call!

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