Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Why Do So Many Racist Support The Republican Party?

The short answer is because the Republican Party supports them.

I've seen this question several times this week in the wake of the Church Murders in Charleston SC:

Why Do Racists Always Seem To Support The Republican Party?

It's a very good question with a very valid answer:

It's because the Republican Party and other Right Wing Conservative Hate Groups were founded on, and continue to promote Racism in this country against African Americans in particular, and other Minorities in general.

The reason that White Racists Supremacy Groups support the Republican Party is, because that is the way the Republican Party and other Right wing Hate Groups planned it.

And that is what they stood for then, and it is what they stand for now, although for Political Expediency, (not a real change of heart or policy), they want you to ignore their history.

Check out the history of where and how it all started.

The Republican's Southern Strategy

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