Monday, April 20, 2015

Police Dealt Death Strikes Close To Home-Baltimore, MD


I always try to remind people that if one of us is in danger-All of us are in danger.

That fact was clearly on display in My Hometown of Baltimore, MD yesterday, when another (Young African American Male),died a week after his Violent Arrest last week.

It is human nature for us to focus on our own survival first.

There is nothing wrong with that, because our survival is the Primary Initiative programmed into our DNA by our Creator.

This is natural.

But to not give a damn about other's in our cities, states and in our country who are not being treated equally and fairly under the law is not so natural, nor is it safe or productive for us as a country.

Freddie Gray died yesterday because his spinal cord was severed last week while (In Custody).

Now if this was an Isolated Incident, then this would not be as note worthy as it is.

However, this phenomenon of African Americans and other Minorities being murdered after they have securely been placed in police custody, seems to indicate that far too many "Law Enforcement Officers" goals are not the Arrest,Trial and Prosecution of a suspect. It appears that the people who do this are Murderers With A Badge, who are looking for any excuse to kill someone whom they hate and view as not worthy of life.

There are 622,793 residents living in Baltimore City. I want to applaud and honor the 50 + citizens who made their voices heard today by utilizing their Right to Assemble Peacefully to Protest what appears to be another Police Murder in this country.

Freedom, Justice and Equality is not a Sprint-It is a Marathon that requires constant and consistent efforts on our part as Citizens of the United States of America.

Because for every individual who is seeking Freedom, Justice and Equality for themselves, their families and communities; there are thousands of Dark Forces trying to take these so called "American Values" away.

If the amount of outrage and protest over these Murders by Police and also Racist Vigilantes who use "I feared for my life" as a defense was sufficient, then we would not be discussing this today after Trayvon Martin and all those who were murdered before him and since him.

So always remember that the pursuit of Freedom, Justice and Equality is not something that can be done incident by incident or just for a season.

This fight will last for the rest of our lives and the live of those who will follow, no matter what your Race, Creed, Color, Sexual Orientation, Income or Class Distinction, Religious Beliefs or any of the many other Artificial Labels that we used to define each other as something other than Human Beings.

But in reality, that is all we are.

And that is what Unites us more so than any of the BS that separates us.



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