Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Thanks To Each And Everyone Who Registered To Vote

I would like to personally thank each and everyone who answered the call to Register To Vote, so that you can become an Active Participant in our Democratic System, by electing people who have you, your family's and your community's best interest at heart.

In 2010,(because far too many of us did not think that it was important to vote in the Midterm Elections),this failure allowed the people who are currently blocking the very things that this nation needs to pull itself out of the mess that we currently find ourselves in as a result of that failure.

People whose primary purpose for being politicians is not to help the American People, but to destroy President Obama's Legacy while taking the country with it.

If we allow more of these people to get in this time, and allow those who are already in to stay in, then not only will it be harder to effect the Positive Changes that we need that will benefit the majority of people in this country, but it might just become impossible to accomplish those goals.

I know we can always use the excuse that "My Vote Doesn't Count", or that "Their Going To Do What They Are Going To Do Anyway!".

Well it is important to note that Rich People do not steal anything that is not valuable like the national efforts that they have launched to steal our votes.

And also! They said that "We Would Never Elect A Black President In America."

But there he is.

And he needs our support.

So please do not repeat the mistakes of 2010.

I don't give a damn rather you are residing in a Red State, a Blue State or a Purple State; please get out and vote for Democrats on November 4 2014.

Thank you, G.R.C.

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