Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Watch Republicans Play Politics With American Lives

You know! Every now and then, (not very often),I try to give people who really don't deserve it; the benefit of the doubt.

I know they don't deserve it because past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior.

But since our country is at risk and there is a possibility that we could wind up in a (Justifiable War), I thought that maybe, (just maybe), Republicans would put the possible loss of American Lives over Excessive, Extreme and Non Factual Politicking.

But apparently I was wrong.

The president has not even shared his strategy with the American People yet, to address the current crises with the Terrorist Group ISIS, who have already beheaded 2 American Reporters and have threatened to do more damage in the Middle East, here at Home and at other locations throughout the world; and they are already using this Crises to attack President Obama, because he refused to "Play Cowboy" with other people's Husbands, Wives, Children and Friends by sending them to Die In A War that was not determined to be a necessity at the time.

So now Republicans are(once again), using White Supremacy Tactics to validate their life long views about Black People and Other Minorities which features the Popular Non-Factual Premise that a Black Person, (or any kind of woman), could never run the Whitehouse successfully.

And they are basing these criticisms on the fact that before President Obama commits our Solders, Resources and Support for a war that may cost us an enormous amount of all 3; he wants to make sure that 1. He has the support of the International Community, 2. He has the support of the countries that are in close Geographical Proximity to the source of the Deadly Threat, 3. That we don't get locked into another situation like Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan and other worldwide conflicts that last for far too many years and cost far too many lives, and 4. That their is a way to do what is necessary without exhausting our Human, Economic and Spiritual Resources.

So because, (unlike the Bush Administration), President Obama does not want to send your Sons, Daughters, Fathers,Mothers, Brothers, Sisters and Friends to die in a war that is being fought under False Pretenses", like "Weapons of Mass Destruction", (Oil Supplies and Profits for the Military Industrial Complex), with its main headquarters and brain being the Pentagon-And all of the millions of contractors who Profit from the Death and Dismemberment of our loved ones in order to make Rich People Richer-that is a bad thing and denotes "Poor Leadership".

When in actuality, it's because they cannot stand the fact that America is and has been changing, (for the better), for quite some time now, which resulted in the American People Electing the "Right Man For The Job" instead of the "White Man For The Job".

This is the True Essence of what the Modern Republican Party has and still stands for, which is Inequality for the many and Unfair Advantages for a few Rich and Powerful People-Not Average American Citizens.

So watch the Republicans who are still spending Your Tax Dollars on "Investigating the Investigations on Benghazi", even after the majority of people with common sense realize that the deaths of these 4 Americans was the result of people who choose to do a dangerous job in a dangerous part of the world.

They knew the risk and accepted the risks and made the Ultimate Sacrifice in Service to our country, unlike the Republicans who have done nothing but provide the American People with a Gross Disservice every since this Black Man moved into the Whitehouse.

America: you elected this man as your leader. So follow his lead by not allowing Republicans to Kill your loved ones for PROFIT.

Because the President refuses to send your Sons, Daughter, Mothers, Fathers and Friends into battle to die unless and until, he knows that their is an Entrance Strategy and a Exit Strategy- putting thousands of American Lives in Harm's Way is not the kind of decision you make, simply because you are a person of privilege who can get their loved ones exempted from fight and dying or coming back dismembered.

And guess who Republicans are consulting with on the matter of ISIS?

Dick Cheney(who along with George W. Bush), killed over 4,000 people in Iraq on a war based on Greed, Hatred and Deception of the American People.

And that is without counting the over 4,000 people who died on September 11, 2001 because they ignored the intelligence that could have prevented it.

These people do not care about anyone who is not like them and have no respect or empathy for "Those People's" Lives.

Please listen to President Obama's Address to the nation tonight at 9:00 PM.

He wants to share with you as much as he safely can his strategies for dealing with ISIS.

These kinds of decisions affect us all rather we realize it or not.

Please tune in and don't forget to VOTE on November 4, 2014, because we need to provide President Obama with a Support System so that he can leave this country better off at the end of his term than it was at the beginning.


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