Thursday, July 10, 2014

52% Of Americans Wish Sarah Palin Would Shut The Hell Up

We needed a poll for this?

This is America, and it is OK to be Rich. It is OK to be Famous and it is OK to be Prosperous.

For some of us Americans this is "The American Dream".

But what most people expect in exchange for shelling out their Hard Earned Money on a product or service is Value.

Something of value that offers some type of assistance, information, knowledge or something that solves a stubborn problem that is experienced by millions of people that makes it worthy of investment.

But with the exception of a few Idiotic People who still want to keep this country a place where only they are considered worthy of anything like Success, Freedom, Opportunity, Wealth, Health or Power; she serves absolutely no purpose for the general population who has told the world twice through the election and reelection of President Obama, respect for immigrants, respect for Gay People and respect for other people who are not quite like them that they want to see this country move in another direction other than the one that it has been moving in since it was founded.

So who the hell just woke up today that does not work at FOX News or who is not a member of the Tea party or the KKK who it just dawned on that Sarah Palin needs to shut the hell up; even though I respect her right to do so and her cliques don't respect other people's right to do so?

She is a Self-Serving Bitch who slept with a Black Basket Ball Player in Alaska and now uses a Black President to peddle hate; giving nothing of value to the people who worship and follow her and pay for her merchandise. Just like she did nothing for the people of Alaska when she was 1/2 Term Governor.

The only thing she gives these people is the illusion that they can still trample on the rights of people who are different from them).

And this is just no longer true-even though they are really trying hard to bring those "Good Ole Days" Back.

However, if we continue to sleep and not be proactive at suppressing these small groups of idiots before they destroy this country in the name of Racism, Hatred and Greed, then Sarah Palin might just become relevant and even more extremely rich, because there will be more people to peddle her Bullshit to who want to buy it as opposed to those who don't.

We Needed A Poll To Tell Us This?


Now Playing! For What It's Worth/Occupy

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