Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Welfare For The Rich!

Those of us who are Socially and Politically Aware know that this phenomenon of "Welfare For The Rich" exists.

But this is the most blatant example that I have ever seen.

It is usually done in the dark through legislation and so called deficit control.

But when I watched how this story was presented on FOX News,they left out 2 very important and factual points:

1. They failed to mention that these 2 people involved in defrauding the Government through Welfare Fraud were not Black.

Both of them are white.

You know how the Right wing Hate Machine is always talking about how poor Black People and Latino People and other Minorities live high on the hog, with Big Screen TV's, Driving Fancy Cars, Eating Lobster, Shrimp and other Fine Delicacies, all on Food Stamps, Medicaid and WIC?

2. Well! The fact is that Rich People do this all the time as a result of Republicans who are still pushing the lie that if you give the nice rich people up at the top more than they already have, their hearts will ache with so much pain, suffering and Guilt that they just cannot help but share a significant portion of their wealth with those on the bottom who are so much less fortunate then they could ever imagine.

This "Trickle Down Economics" has been legislated and implemented since this man was President over 25 years ago:

Ronald Reagan # 40

And it has not worked to boost our economy or help lift those who are willing to put forth the necessary efforts and to make the necessary sacrifices to lift themselves out of poverty.

Conservative Polices, Procedures and Values have and continue to do the opposite of this.

And the more forcefully we allow them to put these polices, procedures and values into place, the worse it makes our country.

If I can try to make what I am trying to say very clear; it's the fact that Paul Ryan's new budget which is just a more Austerity Based Budget than his previous Austerity Based Budgets, and that the condition that allowed these 2 rich people to collect welfare are the same conditions that Paul Ryan and other Conservatives and the Republican Party want to continue, not on an isolated incident basis like this, but they want the Rich to continue to get Richer and the Poor to get Poorer, which is a condition that has already existed in this country and that continues to exists.

Except! Republicans want to make these conditions a permanent part of our "American Democracy", which means that America will no longer be a Democracy, because you cannot have a Democracy if you only have 2 classes of people: Rich People and Slaves, with no Middle Class anywhere.

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